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Aug 20, 2012
Washington State


Welcome to my Star Wars Memorabilia based home theater room. Star Wars is what got me into HT, and now into collecting Star Wars statues, 1:1 busts, and dioramas from Sideshow Collectibles. I update as new product arrives so check back now and then. Thank you for visiting and enjoy:














Shelving - Ikea Besta Bookcases with Vassbo Doors
TV Stand - Transdeco TD655B
Star Wars Collection - Sideshow Collectibles, Code 3, and others
TV - Vizio E600i-B3
Bluray - PS3 Slim
Receiver - Yamaha RX-V663
7ch Amp - Emotiva UPA-7
Speakers - Energy CB-10's (6)
Sub - M&K MX-350THX
Cables / Interconnects - Monoprice


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That's sad. The only things I really don't like are in ANH: Greedo shooting first, the Jabba scene, that weird woooo sound Obi-Wan makes. I can even deal with the music number in RotJ. They didn't change much in ESB thankfully.

Yeah, opening them to check for damage is smart. I really need to do that this weekend! By the way, I think you'll be proud of me for buying something I just purchased. But I'm going to be like you and make you wait to see it, ha ha.

I bet they go in and edit most of the violence out. They'll probably change all the guns to squirt guns.

I would love a Lantern line, Green Lantern was pretty popular back during the blackest night storyline. Oh well, I guess only Batman sells.

I guess I'm weird because I'm one of the few who liked the Jabba scene in ANH. They made Jabba look better on the Blu-Ray release.

This is awesome! I can't wait to see it! Its something I'll be proud of you for ordering? Batman! Is it Batman? :LOL: Is this something that you're getting soon?

BTW, yes, you should open your HTs this weekend so you can give me your opinion on K2. :thumbs:

I highly recommend NOT googling Punisher squirt guns unless you want to see a very disturbing Batman soap dispenser. :rofl:

Batman only sells well because pretty much the entire planet has realized he's the greatest.
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I guess I'm weird because I'm one of the few who liked the Jabba scene in ANH. They made Jabba look better on the Blu-Ray release.

This is awesome! I can't wait to see it! Its something I'll be proud of you for ordering? Batman! Is it Batman? :LOL: Is this something that you're getting soon?

BTW, yes, you should open your HTs this weekend so you can give me your opinion on K2. :thumbs:

I highly recommend NOT googling Punisher squirt guns unless you want to see a very disturbing Batman soap dispenser. :rofl:

Batman only sells well because pretty much the entire planet has realized he's the greatest.

I just think the Jabba scene is unnecessary. Plus it looks funny when Han steps on his tail.

No it's nothing Batman! I just bought it from the buy/sell/trade page so hopefully it's here next weekend!

Wait...why did you google Punisher squirt guns? Ha ha

Or Batman only sells well because people have terrible taste! I mean we've kept the Kartrashians on TV for over a decade now. There's definitely something wrong with people.
I just think the Jabba scene is unnecessary. Plus it looks funny when Han steps on his tail.

No it's nothing Batman! I just bought it from the buy/sell/trade page so hopefully it's here next weekend!

Wait...why did you google Punisher squirt guns? Ha ha

Or Batman only sells well because people have terrible taste! I mean we've kept the Kartrashians on TV for over a decade now. There's definitely something wrong with people.

Awesome! I can't wait to see what you got.

I just wanted to see if someone thought of what you said and photoshopped a pic of him with squirt guns. Apparently not but someone did think of a very disturbing thing to do with Batman's body instead.:LOL:

Uggghhh, please don't compare the greatest superhero of all-time with one of the worst things to ever have been forced upon this world.:p
What was the date that the TLJ trailer is going to drop again? Or is it? Seriously, :wtf:

Sorry I haven't been around much. Been trying to get as much riding in as I can in between the rainy days. Now it's just getting cold! Hell, I heard it snowed in frikkin Montana!

Spent the last few days tearing up a local highway. A buddy of mine made this awesome clip:

What was the date that the TLJ trailer is going to drop again? Or is it? Seriously, :wtf:

Sorry I haven't been around much. Been trying to get as much riding in as I can in between the rainy days. Now it's just getting cold! Hell, I heard it snowed in frikkin Montana!

Spent the last few days tearing up a local highway. A buddy of mine made this awesome clip:

Awesome video! :thumbs: Sucks to hear about the weather, its been really nice here, it was still in the 80's for some of last week.


And in the meantime the final Justice League trailer :woot::

This one's for Adam:
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Awesome video! :thumbs: Sucks to hear about the weather, its been really nice here, it was still in the 80's for some of last week.


And in the meantime the final Justice League trailer :woot::

This one's for Adam:


Saw That! Man, I have to be honest. I'm more excited for TJL than I am for TLJ right now. Disney hasn't done enough to keep people interested, IMO. Especially after hearing if director firings and such. I really hope tomorrow's trailer changes that, but I doubt it.

I hate you right Now! Lmao!! We went on a group ride last Wednesday that started at 7am. It was 30 frikkin degrees!!! Even now, the sun is out and looks all nice, but the ground us sopping wet. As soon as the ground starts drying up, another downpour comes along!

Saw That! Man, I have to be honest. I'm more excited for TJL than I am for TLJ right now. Disney hasn't done enough to keep people interested, IMO. Especially after hearing if director firings and such. I really hope tomorrow's trailer changes that, but I doubt it.

I hate you right Now! Lmao!! We went on a group ride last Wednesday that started at 7am. It was 30 frikkin degrees!!! Even now, the sun is out and looks all nice, but the ground us sopping wet. As soon as the ground starts drying up, another downpour comes along!

I'm more excited for JL too, but I liked BvS more than TFA so that's probably a big reason why. Another reason is they've done a really awful marketing job on The Last Jedi so far. We should have 2 full length trailers by now instead of just finally getting our first. I'm definitely really excited to see the trailer tomorrow but I'm still going to be disappointed it took this long.

LOL. That's really cold over there! Its never that cold over here this time of year, but it is pretty rare that its as warm as it has been this last couple of weeks. I'm definitely making sure I get my full enjoyment out of it because the warm weather won't be here for long.

Did either of you watch the Cowboys and Packers game? Adam, did you throw any objects through the wall? :LOL:
I'm more excited for JL too, but I liked BvS more than TFA so that's probably a big reason why. Another reason is they've done a really awful marketing job on The Last Jedi so far. We should have 2 full length trailers by now instead of just finally getting our first. I'm definitely really excited to see the trailer tomorrow but I'm still going to be disappointed it took this long.

LOL. That's really cold over there! Its never that cold over here this time of year, but it is pretty rare that its as warm as it has been this last couple of weeks. I'm definitely making sure I get my full enjoyment out of it because the warm weather won't be here for long.

Did either of you watch the Cowboys and Packers game? Adam, did you throw any objects through the wall? :LOL:

Lmao! No. I missed the seachicken game too.

That's the truth man. Tomorrow supposed to be nice, so I'm going to be out in it all day.

Hell, I'm even more excited for the new Thor movie more!
Lmao! No. I missed the seachicken game too.

That's the truth man. Tomorrow supposed to be nice, so I'm going to be out in it all day.

Hell, I'm even more excited for the new Thor movie more!

I hope its nice over there for you today, it was about 70 here.

I almost am too. That's another movie we've gotten a steady stream of footage for and it opens only a little more than a month before Star Wars FFS! Hopefully after the trailer finally drops tonight I'll be in a better mood about this movie.
What was the date that the TLJ trailer is going to drop again? Or is it? Seriously, :wtf:

Sorry I haven't been around much. Been trying to get as much riding in as I can in between the rainy days. Now it's just getting cold! Hell, I heard it snowed in frikkin Montana!

Spent the last few days tearing up a local highway. A buddy of mine made this awesome clip:

The trailer dropped yesterday, did you see it?! I turned on the football game when it got close to halftime just so I could see the trailer...then watched it about 5 straight times. I actually thought one of you two would have posted about it by now when I came in here.

That looks sweet! Too bad riding season is about over. :( The town I grew up in (Havre) was hammered with over a foot of snow last week. Since the trees haven't lost their leaves yet, it did a ton of damage. Branches were down all over town and parts of the area are still without power. Thankfully we didn't get any snow here.

Awesome video! :thumbs: Sucks to hear about the weather, its been really nice here, it was still in the 80's for some of last week.


And in the meantime the final Justice League trailer :woot::

This one's for Adam:

I'm actually excited for the Justice League more than I thought I would be. However, after that Star Wars trailer last night, I am waaay more excited for that! I was looking at tickets and they want $30 for the "ultimate IMAX experience" on the Thursday opening night. No way I'm paying that much! I will probably just go to a standard showing and then maybe go to the IMAX later.
The trailer dropped yesterday, did you see it?! I turned on the football game when it got close to halftime just so I could see the trailer...then watched it about 5 straight times. I actually thought one of you two would have posted about it by now when I came in here.

That looks sweet! Too bad riding season is about over. :( The town I grew up in (Havre) was hammered with over a foot of snow last week. Since the trees haven't lost their leaves yet, it did a ton of damage. Branches were down all over town and parts of the area are still without power. Thankfully we didn't get any snow here.

I'm actually excited for the Justice League more than I thought I would be. However, after that Star Wars trailer last night, I am waaay more excited for that! I was looking at tickets and they want $30 for the "ultimate IMAX experience" on the Thursday opening night. No way I'm paying that much! I will probably just go to a standard showing and then maybe go to the IMAX later.

I've been too busy watching the trailer on repeat to post :LOL:. I really loved it! Is Rey going to turn to the dark side? :ohno:

I liked the SW trailer way more than the Justice League trailer. I absolute loved the intro to the JL trailer with Lois and Clark, that was a perfect way to tease Supes, but they are definitely changing the tone of the DCEU to something more Marvely. Everyone just seems to be joking around and smilimg while the world is ending, and Batman was in maximum murder mode the last movie, now he's just joking around with everyone. Where is the brooding?!? If you can't tell I'm a little worked up about this movie :LOL:. But it seems a lot of fans really like the lighter tone so I'm probably in the minority here.
I've been too busy watching the trailer on repeat to post :LOL:. I really loved it! Is Rey going to turn to the dark side? :ohno:

I liked the SW trailer way more than the Justice League trailer. I absolute loved the intro to the JL trailer with Lois and Clark, that was a perfect way to tease Supes, but they are definitely changing the tone of the DCEU to something more Marvely. Everyone just seems to be joking around and smilimg while the world is ending, and Batman was in maximum murder mode the last movie, now he's just joking around with everyone. Where is the brooding?!? If you can't tell I'm a little worked up about this movie :LOL:. But it seems a lot of fans really like the lighter tone so I'm probably in the minority here.

No way Rey will turn to the dark side! I think a lot of the trailer was misdirection. They probably won't even include most of those scenes! It looked like Kylo and his goons attempted to kill Luke as it showed him digging out of the rubble. Mark Hamill looked and sounded awesome. Can't wait for this to come out! What day are you guys going to go?

I prefer the lighter tone, especially for Superman! He has never been dark and brooding in the comics. Speaking of dark and brooding, I was bored this weekend so I was watching the last season of The Flash. Ha, it's so bad! The villain turns out to be future Barry Allen who looks like he went full emo. I actually laughed out loud when they revealed who he was.

Did your Jyn arrive? Mine is at the UPS store along with my HT Daredevil.
No way Rey will turn to the dark side! I think a lot of the trailer was misdirection. They probably won't even include most of those scenes! It looked like Kylo and his goons attempted to kill Luke as it showed him digging out of the rubble. Mark Hamill looked and sounded awesome. Can't wait for this to come out! What day are you guys going to go?

I prefer the lighter tone, especially for Superman! He has never been dark and brooding in the comics. Speaking of dark and brooding, I was bored this weekend so I was watching the last season of The Flash. Ha, it's so bad! The villain turns out to be future Barry Allen who looks like he went full emo. I actually laughed out loud when they revealed who he was.

Did your Jyn arrive? Mine is at the UPS store along with my HT Daredevil.

Ha! Watch 90% of that trailer not end up in the movie. I agree Mark sounded great, I was a bit worried he might be rusty but I'm really happy with what I've seen from him so far. I'll probably see it on the weekend sometime, I never go to movies opening day anymore.

The lighter tone works for Supes, that's the character I want to see start smiling, but I don't want a goofy Batman. It just seems he's got jokes and smiles and smirks too much in all the trailers and tv spots I've seen so far. I know they have to try to lighten him up for the team or it won't work, but I remember saying before I'm not so sure Batman ever worked well with the JL in the comics to begin with. He really should be his own separate thing. Aquaman is acting really goofy too. Maybe I'm complaining too much lol.

I haven't watched that show in years, but I have seen pics of emo Barry. i guess that fits in perfectly with the CW's core audience which is 13 year old girls :LOL:.

My Jyn is sitting at the UPS store too. I'll pick her up tonight but I don't know if I'm going to open her yet.
Ha! Watch 90% of that trailer not end up in the movie. I agree Mark sounded great, I was a bit worried he might be rusty but I'm really happy with what I've seen from him so far. I'll probably see it on the weekend sometime, I never go to movies opening day anymore.

The lighter tone works for Supes, that's the character I want to see start smiling, but I don't want a goofy Batman. It just seems he's got jokes and smiles and smirks too much in all the trailers and tv spots I've seen so far. I know they have to try to lighten him up for the team or it won't work, but I remember saying before I'm not so sure Batman ever worked well with the JL in the comics to begin with. He really should be his own separate thing. Aquaman is acting really goofy too. Maybe I'm complaining too much lol.

I haven't watched that show in years, but I have seen pics of emo Barry. i guess that fits in perfectly with the CW's core audience which is 13 year old girls :LOL:.

My Jyn is sitting at the UPS store too. I'll pick her up tonight but I don't know if I'm going to open her yet.

I wasn’t too worried about Hamill. I’ve seen him in a few things recently and he was good. They need to find him a character to play in a comic book movie.

Yeah Batman is always brooding, that’s one of the things about him that annoys me. Aquaman is actually pretty serious in the comics as well. I’ve never seen him act the way they’re portraying him. He is a king after all. Hey f course I’ve never seen Drax act as goofy as he does in Guardians, but that’s actually an improvement for him.

I seriously cracked up laughing when I saw his emo haircut. They’ve completely ruined that show after a fun first season. They ruined Arrow too so I shouldn’t be surprised.
I wasn’t too worried about Hamill. I’ve seen him in a few things recently and he was good. They need to find him a character to play in a comic book movie.

Yeah Batman is always brooding, that’s one of the things about him that annoys me. Aquaman is actually pretty serious in the comics as well. I’ve never seen him act the way they’re portraying him. He is a king after all. Hey f course I’ve never seen Drax act as goofy as he does in Guardians, but that’s actually an improvement for him.

I seriously cracked up laughing when I saw his emo haircut. They’ve completely ruined that show after a fun first season. They ruined Arrow too so I shouldn’t be surprised.

I guess I was just a bit worried as this is Mark's biggest and most important live action role in decades. I've seen him do smaller stuff and voice work and he's still good there so I shouldn't have been too concerned.

I think I'm just being overly nitpicky because I don't want to see a carbon copy of a Marvel movie. Its not so much that I'm not liking what I'm seeing, its more that its just not what I expected. I'm still super excited for JL but after yesterday's SW trailer thats now my new most anticipated movie.

I haven't watched anything on the CW in years that network is dead to me. Their shows are unwatchable.
I hope its nice over there for you today, it was about 70 here.

I almost am too. That's another movie we've gotten a steady stream of footage for and it opens only a little more than a month before Star Wars FFS! Hopefully after the trailer finally drops tonight I'll be in a better mood about this movie.

Well, saw the trailer and loved it! The opening shot totally reminded me of Anakin. Snokes voice, i assume he is talking to Kylo. The raw strength Luke refers to must be Kylo as well, or maybe Luke is talking about himself, or Anakin, or Snoke. Hell, guess it could be anyone. The scene in space with Kylo flying his ship, and the switch back and for between him and Leia, I this will be reminiscent of what Vader and Luke did at the end of Empire. Communicate using the Force. Initially I thought Kylo was going to kill her, but I think it's more she's in his head than anything. Roll eyes moment, another gratuitous scene with the Falcon and wtf is up with the space penguin owl? I seriously hope Phasma wipes the floor with Finn. I absolutely can't stand that character. Phasma looks frikkin sweet!! Icicle dogs, who knew? Guess the sequence with the walkers and those weird ass speeders will be like the battle of hoth. Nice to see Snoke in the flesh so to speak. Wonder what this destiny thing is of Rey he speaks of, and if it has to do with joining Kylo. Although, the end scene very well may be 2 different scenes where Rey speaks to Kylo. I dunno, it looks awesome!! That said, I'm still more excited for TJL which is weird considering how much of a hardcore Star Wars fan I am.

The trailer dropped yesterday, did you see it?! I turned on the football game when it got close to halftime just so I could see the trailer...then watched it about 5 straight times. I actually thought one of you two would have posted about it by now when I came in here.

That looks sweet! Too bad riding season is about over. :( The town I grew up in (Havre) was hammered with over a foot of snow last week. Since the trees haven't lost their leaves yet, it did a ton of damage. Branches were down all over town and parts of the area are still without power. Thankfully we didn't get any snow here.

I'm actually excited for the Justice League more than I thought I would be. However, after that Star Wars trailer last night, I am waaay more excited for that! I was looking at tickets and they want $30 for the "ultimate IMAX experience" on the Thursday opening night. No way I'm paying that much! I will probably just go to a standard showing and then maybe go to the IMAX later.

Glad you didn't get hit by it, but Damn! Also sad to hear about the damage.

I had to wait to watch it. My wife worked last night and didn't get home until 8am, so we watched it immediately when she walked in.

I've been too busy watching the trailer on repeat to post :LOL:. I really loved it! Is Rey going to turn to the dark side? :ohno:

I liked the SW trailer way more than the Justice League trailer. I absolute loved the intro to the JL trailer with Lois and Clark, that was a perfect way to tease Supes, but they are definitely changing the tone of the DCEU to something more Marvely. Everyone just seems to be joking around and smilimg while the world is ending, and Batman was in maximum murder mode the last movie, now he's just joking around with everyone. Where is the brooding?!? If you can't tell I'm a little worked up about this movie :LOL:. But it seems a lot of fans really like the lighter tone so I'm probably in the minority here.

Lmfao! So, some people were mad because if Batmans brutality in BvS, and now some don't like that Bruce Wayne smiles. Wonder if that was Joss Whedons doing how it seems more like Marvel.
Well, saw the trailer and loved it! The opening shot totally reminded me of Anakin. Snokes voice, i assume he is talking to Kylo. The raw strength Luke refers to must be Kylo as well, or maybe Luke is talking about himself, or Anakin, or Snoke. Hell, guess it could be anyone. The scene in space with Kylo flying his ship, and the switch back and for between him and Leia, I this will be reminiscent of what Vader and Luke did at the end of Empire. Communicate using the Force. Initially I thought Kylo was going to kill her, but I think it's more she's in his head than anything. Roll eyes moment, another gratuitous scene with the Falcon and wtf is up with the space penguin owl? I seriously hope Phasma wipes the floor with Finn. I absolutely can't stand that character. Phasma looks frikkin sweet!! Icicle dogs, who knew? Guess the sequence with the walkers and those weird ass speeders will be like the battle of hoth. Nice to see Snoke in the flesh so to speak. Wonder what this destiny thing is of Rey he speaks of, and if it has to do with joining Kylo. Although, the end scene very well may be 2 different scenes where Rey speaks to Kylo. I dunno, it looks awesome!! That said, I'm still more excited for TJL which is weird considering how much of a hardcore Star Wars fan I am.

Glad you didn't get hit by it, but Damn! Also sad to hear about the damage.

I had to wait to watch it. My wife worked last night and didn't get home until 8am, so we watched it immediately when she walked in.

Lmfao! So, some people were mad because if Batmans brutality in BvS, and now some don't like that Bruce Wayne smiles. Wonder if that was Joss Whedons doing how it seems more like Marvel.

I have a feeling Snoke is talking to Rey in the beginning. Maybe its Kylo, idk, but raw untamed power seems to kind of describe Rey after what we're seeing in this trailer. I think the strength Luke must be referring to is either Vader, Palps or Snoke as I just don't see Kylo as being all that powerful, he got beaten by a 90 pound girl that just learned how to use the force 5 mins ago FFS! :LOL: I can totally see the Empire reference with the back and forth shots between Leia and Kylo though, that was really cool. I hope he kills her as I feel that would be a fitting end for Leia, they've gotta do something with the character with Carrie being gone. If she's left alive that's going to feel like a very big awkward hole left in Ep. IX, I think they pretty much have to take her out in this movie. I seriously hate Porgs, they could possibly ruin this movie for me, and this is coming from someone who likes Jar Jar and the Ewoks!

Whedon's fingerprints are all over this movie! Its so tonally different than BvS, Warnes must not have liked Zack's dark tone. I'm starting to think Snyder didn't willingly leave the movie, he must have gotten canned.
I have a feeling Snoke is talking to Rey in the beginning. Maybe its Kylo, idk, but raw untamed power seems to kind of describe Rey after what we're seeing in this trailer. I think the strength Luke must be referring to is either Vader, Palps or Snoke as I just don't see Kylo as being all that powerful, he got beaten by a 90 pound girl that just learned how to use the force 5 mins ago FFS! :LOL: I can totally see the Empire reference with the back and forth shots between Leia and Kylo though, that was really cool. I hope he kills her as I feel that would be a fitting end for Leia, they've gotta do something with the character with Carrie being gone. If she's left alive that's going to feel like a very big awkward hole left in Ep. IX, I think they pretty much have to take her out in this movie. I seriously hate Porgs, they could possibly ruin this movie for me, and this is coming from someone who likes Jar Jar and the Ewoks!

Whedon's fingerprints are all over this movie! Its so tonally different than BvS, Warnes must not have liked Zack's dark tone. I'm starting to think Snyder didn't willingly leave the movie, he must have gotten canned.

Really? Didn't he leave because his daughter died? TJL doesn't seem as dark as BvS, but definitely seems darker than MOS. I do wonder what exactly Whedon did with this movie. FFS, why not just have Goyer and/ or Nolan finish it.

I wonder because Snoke seemed surprised when she bested Kylo. I really hope they are talking about Anakin, but I do think it's Kylo. Disney wants to sell these 2 characters abilities as more powerful than we've seen. People are going nuts over Porgs for craps sake. The very same people who complained about Jar Jar and weeks, lmao!!
Really? Didn't he leave because his daughter died? TJL doesn't seem as dark as BvS, but definitely seems darker than MOS. I do wonder what exactly Whedon did with this movie. FFS, why not just have Goyer and/ or Nolan finish it.

I wonder because Snoke seemed surprised when she bested Kylo. I really hope they are talking about Anakin, but I do think it's Kylo. Disney wants to sell these 2 characters abilities as more powerful than we've seen. People are going nuts over Porgs for craps sake. The very same people who complained about Jar Jar and weeks, lmao!!

Thats what I believe, but its just so odd they picked someone like Whedon to take over. The studio would know how vastly different the movie would be with Whedon. I would think if Snyder left on his own he would have picked someone like Nolan or Goyer to take over too, as it was Nolan himself that handpicked Snyder for Man of Steel. Just looking at the different trailers you can see how they started out with very dark skies, and in the newest one the same skies have been replaced by bright red skies in the same scenes. Not to mention now everyone was smiling for no apparent reason during the destrction of the world :LOL:. The studio would know these changes would be coming with Whedon. So even if Snyder did leave on his own I think it was the studio that wanted to take the movie in a different direction and picked Whedon. There was also a report out that a cut of Snyder's version was "unwatchable". So I think there will be some news that comes about what really went down behind the scenes in the coming years, but I wouldn't be surprised if Warners asked or encouraged Snyder to leave.

I guess you could be right, but Kylo never seemed all that powerful to me, just really unstable. Rey was able to dominate him in the fight, and she was able to out force him when he was in her head. Which was pretty amazing considering how briefly she knew how to use the force. I think its going to be revealed she's the most powerful Jedi ever, or even that she is the force itself! I hated the Porgs the first time I saw them and now I hate them even more after I heard how they sound! Lol.