Target Is Crazy!

Interesting read...Thanks...We should get a couple of Ninjas over to Target and sort 'em out Kick-Ass style!
Those comments are gruesome and uncalled for...
Interesting read...Thanks...We should get a couple of Ninjas over to Target and sort 'em out Kick-Ass style!
Those comments are gruesome and uncalled for...

I am quite alarmed at how they're getting rid of slipcovers without the studios noticing. Don't customers complain if they don't receive what they've paid for? Doesn't feel right...
I wrote a long response in another forum on this. But I do think its bizarre that Target advertises exclusive slip covers for movies like Water for Elephants and X-Men First Class, then has the stores throw 'em out before they hit shelves. What the (#$(@#?

And really, you need plastic cases for $20 Blu-Rays?
Yeah it's stupid. I mean,I assume target may pay to have the exclusive cover only to throw them out? Then why even bother? I'm not even a big collector but I understand it.

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I am not a Slip collector either. However, Target likely pays extra to be able to advertise and sell the exclusive edition with special slip and sometimes, extra content, etc. By throwing them out, they're killing most of the 'exclusive' marketing promo, important to the 'collector' niche.

I think there are plenty of average customers who happen to stumble into Target and pick up movies on 'new release Tuesday' while they are there-they get home and may ditch the slip, themselves. For them, they don't care about slipcovers, and whether the movie has it, or not, since they are paying for the movie itself and are not comparing editions at different stores. But, if I was a slip collector, I'd be livid-the same way I'd be livid, if I saw a Steelbook looking like it's been through a nuclear war...
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I think this is crazy by Target to destroy the slipcovers. I would go to a store expecting the slips in good condition, not all mashed up. I do think the negative comments of people is to be expected, we are in a niche hobby but that's our decision. We are not doing anyone any harm, some people collect stamps which sounds dull to me but I wouldn't knock them for it. Each to there own I say.:)
Yeah that sucks, but Barnes and Nobles has been doign that to slips long before Target. Seems like the author must be good friends with Michael. Maybe GF/Room mate etc. At least she's taking the fight to a consumer site. Though contacting the studios might have more action.
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I have personally seen target do this. They did it with Harry potter an the deathly hallows part 2. The employee went in the back and found me one. The next day all the slips were on them.
That's why I just decided to start buying them at Best Buy. I spend about 4 dollars more on the blu ray, but it's worth it since they don't package them in security cases. Target is run by a bunch of idiots.