Thanks to HDN - in memory of Ana

Jan 8, 2013
I want to apologize to the moderators
But as I use essentially the forum steelbook or Group Buy
I did not know where to write this topic.

I have been part of this community for several years
Incognito then as lostboys and now then lost

HDN has always been my escape point and a lot of my collection (more than 10000 titles) went with your help (more then 200 GB)

In the last year things at home have been down
Ana has cancer
I tried to make HDN my extra help
It was very difficult for me every day.

However there were several friends who supported me this year soooo hard
Here are some who were patient with my delays ...
And they helped immensely

This is my public thanks to everyone.

But there are many more ...

Ana left too early last Sunday.

Thank you all
Sorry for your loss. Words can't express a proper sentiment, but I hope you find some comfort knowing she's no longer suffering.
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Sorry for your loss

Hope your ok and get the support you deserve
I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

I lost my father 3 weeks ago to cancer also. If it's any consolation I kind of know what you are going through.

It's tough, especially at the end. But I know Ana (and my dad) are both now in a better place free of any pain and suffering. And both are happy and watching over us.

Take care
So sorry to hear, may her memory be a blessing. Condolences to you and your whole family. Stay strong
So sorry for your loss. It will take tine but your pain will grow less. Just keep all the happy memories you have of your life with Ana foremost in your mind and it will see you through the dark days.

All the best to you and stay strong.
So sorry to hear about this :( My deepest condolences buddy. You must move forward with life and find peace in the process.
Can only echo what others are saying. So sorry for your loss:( Stay strong. <3