Thanks to HDN - in memory of Ana

Jan 8, 2013
I want to apologize to the moderators
But as I use essentially the forum steelbook or Group Buy
I did not know where to write this topic.

I have been part of this community for several years
Incognito then as lostboys and now then lost

HDN has always been my escape point and a lot of my collection (more than 10000 titles) went with your help (more then 200 GB)

In the last year things at home have been down
Ana has cancer
I tried to make HDN my extra help
It was very difficult for me every day.

However there were several friends who supported me this year soooo hard
Here are some who were patient with my delays ...
And they helped immensely

This is my public thanks to everyone.

But there are many more ...

Ana left too early last Sunday.

Thank you all
My condolences to you and your family.

Having recently lost my mother 6 weeks ago, I know how hard it is to lose a family member and at times you think it won't get any better. It doesn't, but gets easier to cope with and you always need to think of happy moments to make it through.

Stay strong and be there for your family, and take comfort that they are not suffering and are at peace.

Take care of yourself mate
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it may sound a bit hollow but my thoughts and best wishes are with you and your family.
Am sorry to hear you loss. Am at the same point like you. My wife has just lost her beloved uncle. It might feel dark days at the moment but It will get easy soon. The HDN family are here for u.
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Im so sorry to hear shes passed. My grandma is suffering from cancer and its taking a toll on her. Shes fighting hard though. I understand how hard it is to see a loved one go through this. Lots of love to you and your family.
So sorry for you loss man I know how it feels as I lost a family member recently. Stay strong and bear in mind that she's no longer in pain and at peace now. My condolences to your and your family.
Very sorry to hear of your loss, and of other friends on HDN...just reminds us we all have limited time with loved ones and must live it to the fullest and give as much love as possible. Stay strong, my friend.
So sorry for your loss. I am sure your friends here were happy to have helped in some small way and i am also sure they will continue to do so.

Sorry for your loss.
Be sure that she is in a better place where she'll received the help she need. Whenever you remember her, think only on the good moments and how much she made you happy. All this love and joy is not lost. All those good sentiments will make her strong each day until you both reunite. Be strong and if you need a friend to talk to here you have one more to count with.
Peace and light.

I am so sorry for your loss my friend, I lost my first wife to cancer, so I can relate to how you are feeling at this moment in time, sending my love to you and your family, don't hesitate to message me, if you need someone to speak too, take care buddy
I'm sorry for your loss. If you need to talk to anyone feel free to PM me. We are all here for you at this difficult time. My thoughts are with you and your family.
I want to apologize to the moderators
But as I use essentially the forum steelbook or Group Buy
I did not know where to write this topic.

I have been part of this community for several years
Incognito then as lostboys and now then lost

HDN has always been my escape point and a lot of my collection (more than 10000 titles) went with your help (more then 200 GB)

In the last year things at home have been down
Ana has cancer
I tried to make HDN my extra help
It was very difficult for me every day.

However there were several friends who supported me this year soooo hard
Here are some who were patient with my delays ...
And they helped immensely

This is my public thanks to everyone.

But there are many more ...

Ana left too early last Sunday.

Thank you all
Dear @lost I am so very sorry to hear about your devastating loss. Our Staff's hearts are with you now and as you grieve at this difficult time. Know that we are all here for you to provide comfort, escape and community when you need it. Take care of yourself and feel free to say "hello" anytime. Be strong, friend.
so sorry to hear of your loss. my thoughts and prayers goto you and your family. if you need to talk, please dont hesitate to pm me.