Thanks to HDN - in memory of Ana

Jan 8, 2013
I want to apologize to the moderators
But as I use essentially the forum steelbook or Group Buy
I did not know where to write this topic.

I have been part of this community for several years
Incognito then as lostboys and now then lost

HDN has always been my escape point and a lot of my collection (more than 10000 titles) went with your help (more then 200 GB)

In the last year things at home have been down
Ana has cancer
I tried to make HDN my extra help
It was very difficult for me every day.

However there were several friends who supported me this year soooo hard
Here are some who were patient with my delays ...
And they helped immensely

This is my public thanks to everyone.

But there are many more ...

Ana left too early last Sunday.

Thank you all
sorry to here your loss, thing to remember is the good times with ana i suspect she would want that and also we are here if you want to talk at all.

all the best
basil :thumbs:
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Really sorry to hear of Ana's passing :(. Heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
i'm still pretty new here, but wanted to add my sincere condolences for your loss. :sorry: we've just lost a family member ourselves, so i appreciate how hard it can be, but also how important your friends and your community can be. as you can see above, the HDN community is here, in force, for you. take best care, and celebrate all the wonders of the person who has passed. if our memories of them never cease, then in some ways they never really leave. :)