The Dark Knight Rises - In theaters July 20, 2012


Jan 27, 2009
San Pedro, CA
[CONTAINER][MOVIE1]Title: The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Tagline: The Legend Ends

Genre: [GENRE]Action[/GENRE], [GENRE]Crime[/GENRE], [GENRE]Drama[/GENRE], [GENRE]Thriller[/GENRE]

Director: [DIRECTOR]Christopher Nolan[/DIRECTOR]

Cast: [ACTOR]Christian Bale[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Michael Caine[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Gary Oldman[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Anne Hathaway[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Tom Hardy[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Marion Cotillard[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Joseph Gordon-Levitt[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Morgan Freeman[/ACTOR]

Runtime: [RUNTIME]165[/RUNTIME]

Plot: Following the death of District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman assumes responsibility for Dent's crimes to protect the late attorney's reputation and is subsequently hunted by the Gotham City Police Department. Eight years later, Batman encounters the mysterious Selina Kyle and the villainous Bane, a new terrorist leader who overwhelms Gotham's finest. The Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy.[/MOVIE1][POSTER1]

From IMDB:

Old info:
The fact that there will be another Batman film in Christopher Nolan’s presumptive trilogy is assumed by just about everyone, despite the fact that there has been no formal announcement of the film. But in the runup to the release of Nolan’s Inception, which opens on July 16, there is already some talk about what the next Batman film might look like.

Wally Pfister is the cinematographer responsible for all of Christopher Nolan’s features from Memento on, and his photography was one of the things I liked best about The Dark Knight. He captured Chicago-as-Gotham with a simplicity and clarity that was very uncharacteristic of most superhero films. Now he’s talking about possibilities for the third film, including the option of 3D. Hint: don’t expect Batman 3D.

Cinematical spoke to Pfister when the Dallas Film Society presented him with the Star Award for accomplishments in cinematography. The site promises a full interview in which Pfister explains the “mutual disinterest” he and Christopher Nolan have for 3D. But they do quote him saying,
What Chris and I have talked about is doing something cool and something interesting…Brad Bird was [saying] ‘you’ve got to shoot the whole thing in IMAX!’ I was like, yeah, I’ve talked to Chris about that.

There’s also another comment, which seems to refer to shooting more of this upcoming film in IMAX:

But I think Chris is game for doing something interesting like that, Lord knows that the 3-D fad might pass by the time that summer comes around.

AICN, meanwhile, got a few more of Pfister’s comments from a tipster. Both the cinematographer and Nolan are disinterested in digital cinematography and very much prefer to shoot on film. That’s the root of their disinterest in 3D, which Pfister said is “great for like amusement park rides like the ‘Honey I Shrunk The Kids’ ride at Disneyland.” Pfister also called 3D a distraction and not realistic.

The appeal of IMAX and the disinterest in 3D both come from that love of shooting on film. While 3D lacks realism, shooting in IMAX has huge latitude, and captures incredible detail. The downside to IMAX is that the cameras are bulky and loud, and the format is expensive.

FYI, Batman on Film is saying that Warner Bros. will officially announce the third Batman film in July. Which isn’t that much of a deductive leap, as Nolan hasn’t been interested in talking about Batman while he finishes Inception, and that movie is released in July. Plus, there’s that little Comic Con gathering in San Diego. So expect more news in July.


Can't wait!
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I was trying to post some news (including new poster) yesterday but the site wouldn't let me for some reason. I think it was because I used the word 'download' in one of the sentences. Here is the message + thanks to Pieter V to posting the poster:

News: 2 minute trailer confirmed to be shown in front of Sherlock Holmes 2 on the 16th of December.

Select IMAX theatres will get 6 minute prologue instead. Find out which theatres + buy tickers via 'OPERATION EARLY BIRD' site:

Also a new poster is up, I wonder where will Nolan take his last Batman? Will this be really the end of caped crusader?

Both official posters + teaser trailer can be found on TDKR official website:

There's no way in hell.I would expect a re- boot to be announced sometime next year.
There's no way in hell.I would expect a re- boot to be announced sometime next year.

I don't think so too but it was said that anyone who will be taking on the Batman reboot will have to start from scratch with no connection what so ever to the Nolan ones so I wonder how it will end.....How do you think it will end?
That poster is awesome!

I bet the prologue will be leaked just like the one for TDK did. It was pretty limited the place where they originally showed it too.

I would go see ghost protocol, but I kind of don't like Tom Cruise very much so I think I'll patiently wait until the prologue is released. I remember another Blu-ray release included the prologue for TDK too, hopefully that happens with this one too.
That poster is awesome!

I bet the prologue will be leaked just like the one for TDK did. It was pretty limited the place where they originally showed it too.

I would go see ghost protocol, but I kind of don't like Tom Cruise very much so I think I'll patiently wait until the prologue is released. I remember another Blu-ray release included the prologue for TDK too, hopefully that happens with this one too.

Was the prologue for TDK leaked online in proper quality or just a cam rip?
Went through few boards, managed to see a bootleged copy of the prologue (a really bad one) + read loads of comments. It looks epic and Bane is total badass in there. Hans Zimmer delivered like I thought he would but the biggest surprise for me was the stunt work and how they filmed it. If anyone is going to see IM4 I hope they will show the prologue, really worth it.

Warner Bros was making sure no one is recording it with their phones and been checking with night vision goggles!!! Few people got caught!

There were also t-shirts given out to early birds with these two designs:


  • tumblr_lw77trIDvZ1qahez5o2_1280.jpg
    8.3 KB · Views: 67
  • tumblr_lw77trIDvZ1qahez5o3_1280.jpg
    7.9 KB · Views: 70
lol I just saw the prologue this morning, dude who was recording was aiming way too high so half the screen was not visible. A bit of searching will land you a link so yeah :p

It's going to be awesome!
lol I just saw the prologue this morning, dude who was recording was aiming way too high so half the screen was not visible. A bit of searching will land you a link so yeah :p

It's going to be awesome!

Yeah, there was a another copy but it was dark and blurry so not watchable either. I hope they will release it digitally in HD which is not likely but we must have hope ;)

There is a cam copy of the theatrical trailer too but that is out tomorrow with Sherlock / digitally maybe Monday or even sooner so I'll wait....

---------- Post added at 11:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 PM ----------

@ Horhay: now that you've seen it too I think we both can agree that this is really badass:

Thanks, there's been quite few bootlegged version of this....I hope they will release the official HD one today or tomorrow the latest like it was announced...Oh, it should go online together with ther first Hobbit trailer...Can't wait!

---------- Post added at 07:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 PM ----------

And here we go:

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I have lost count of the amount of times I have watched this. I am not taken with the imploding football field but other than that I am in love :drool:

No doubt....I have so many questions with all the footage I've seen: Bruce in prison - why? Selina - good or bad? Why is Bruce rocking that cane? Does that plate on table represent the last supper from Alfred? Damn I can't wait until July 2012.....
No doubt....I have so many questions with all the footage I've seen: Bruce in prison - why? Selina - good or bad? Why is Bruce rocking that cane? Does that plate on table represent the last supper from Alfred? Damn I can't wait until July 2012.....

Bruce Wayne in prison could be a flashback moment? Maybe something to do with Batman Begins. Pure speculation on my part by the way and the guy he speaks to on the stairs/landing is Tom Conti.

Selina will be bad but there will obviously be some kind of relationship between her and Batman. Will this relationship turn her though thats the question.

I don't think the cane has anything to do with the beating Bane gives him. Maybe an earlier injury? In the trailer when Gordon is about to give a speech you can see Bruce walking with his cane on a rooftop/veranda.

The last supper off Alfred passed me by. When I first saw the trailer and he speaks I just thought he was upset because he couldn't protect Bruce. But now you have me thinking is it because of the onset of MacGregor's Syndrome?

Damn I just can't wait. So many question and so few answers.
Exactly! There's plenty of stuff we can only guess now.

First I thought the prison scene is a flashback from BB but now I think its a completely new location. It will have something to do with Bane finding out Wayne is Batman but not sure what. The line still stays in my head: 'When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die'. Maybe he will imprison him there or maybe Wayne will end up there with all the wealthy people of Gotham who might be taken as hostages (trailer scene) ???

Not sure if you've seen the prologue but at the end there is a shot of Catwoman behind some kind of bars. This gives me and idea she might save Wayne and get him out of that prison.

And that cane - I was thinking about Bruce being heavily injured after the gunshot and fall at the end of TDK. We see him limping to the bat-pod. Or maybe he is faking it, he seems ok as Batman :dunno:

Maaaaan, 7 months is too long to wait!
Exactly! There's plenty of stuff we can only guess now.

First I thought the prison scene is a flashback from BB but now I think its a completely new location. It will have something to do with Bane finding out Wayne is Batman but not sure what. The line still stays in my head: 'When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die'. Maybe he will imprison him there or maybe Wayne will end up there with all the wealthy people of Gotham who might be taken as hostages (trailer scene) ???

Not sure if you've seen the prologue but at the end there is a shot of Catwoman behind some kind of bars. This gives me and idea she might save Wayne and get him out of that prison.

And that cane - I was thinking about Bruce being heavily injured after the gunshot and fall at the end of TDK. We see him limping to the bat-pod. Or maybe he is faking it, he seems ok as Batman :dunno:

Maaaaan, 7 months is too long to wait!

Where the hell did all those Tumblers come from? Why does Bane have Tumblers at his disposal? But then again one fires at the fight scene by the bank when Bane's thugs are fighting and Bane is fighting Batman.

What has he done with Lucius Fox?

Has someone infiltrated Wayne Enterprises?

My mind is awash with all kinds of things.
Where the hell did all those Tumblers come from? Why does Bane have Tumblers at his disposal? But then again one fires at the fight scene by the bank when Bane's thugs are fighting and Bane is fighting Batman.

What has he done with Lucius Fox?

Has someone infiltrated Wayne Enterprises?

My mind is awash with all kinds of things.

Yeah, good question - where is Lucius Fox? He is listed as main cast but he is nowhere in the trailer or prologue :ohno:

Heard few rumours that (careful - possible major spoilers)
Lucius will die and also that Cotillard's character (Miranda Tate) is really Talia Al Ghul, daughter of Ra's Al Ghul (Liam Neeson), working with Bane on behalf of The League Of Shadows and that she will stab Batman at the end. Leaked set pics showing her getting in one of the Tumblers.

This is too much, lets put our heads together and invent a time machine! :naughty:
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