The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - In theaters Dec. 13, 2013


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May 3, 2011
From IMDB:
The Dwarves, Bilbo and Gandalf have successfully escaped the Misty Mountains, and Bilbo has gained the One Ring. They all continue their journey to get their gold back from the Dragon, Smaug.
With Martin Freeman, Ian McKelen, Cate Blanchett, Hugo Weaving and much much more...



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I have been trying to avoid the trailers and publicity. So hyped anyway just want to try and savour it.

Not that botherd about Santa displaced band of Dwarfs a Hobbit, Elves, Wizards , humans and a FLOGGING BIG Dragon.

I know it will be one HELL of a ride :oohyeah: :ohno::drool:.
Watched this earlier & absolutely loved it. It didn't feel as long as the 1st part as it's straight into the action & the ending scene for me was awesome just leaves you wanting to watch more. :thumbs:
2013 has been a great year at the cinema. A great variety of stories, action, and acting performances. But this movie takes the cake. I don't think I've ever had an experience in the theater like I did for this film. It's absolutely amazingly incredible. The 48 Frames Per Second, or high frame rate, really enhances this movie. Smaug will blow everyone away.
:D JUST got back . This has just blown me away . I have seen a fair few movies in my time of 42 years on this planet .


Going again without a doupt . The cast breathtaking Stephen Fry and Luke Evans Evangeline Lilly. Plus as well the dynamic of Legolas shook things up.

DADDYCOOL187 Spliting it then total utter gasp for more GENIUS.

Bring on Thire And Back again only 364 days to go :drool: :ohno:EEK!.
watched it this afternoon big improvement on a slightly slow and overlong first one, in my opinion. best bits to me were the barrel escape and thauriel and legolas. only 12 months till the last one
Saw it Saturday in 3D HFR (High Frame Rate) and gotta say this:
I'm a LOTR & Hobbit fan. I've read the books several times, but I'm not that picky with details since I don't have such a great memory so sometime... I don't mind about them since I don't remember them exactly. ;)

AUJ: An Unexpected Journey
DOS: Desolation of Smaug
TABA: There An Back Again

with DOS, I think it truly shows how&why they created a trilogy from such a small book. They created SOOOO many content out of nowhere that is NOT, not even a glimpse, in the book that at a point, it gets nowhere...

----- SPOILER ALERT: -----
Enjoyed it. Well done. BUT, if you blink your eyes, you'll miss it.

Mirkwood & Spiders:
WoW! That gave me chills. Those beasts (damn I hate those) are monsters and Bilbo saves the day, Great! Also, when Bilbo reaches the top of the forest, what a great scenery. Truly a great moment!

Barrel escape:
Really well done. In the book, it's kinda boring. All the barells are closed and sealed. No Orcs chasing around and no action. So, the change is well appreciated. BUT, the 3D HFR make the CGI look like a Video Game. It just doesn't work for me. I'll have to wait to watch this at home on my regular 2D Sony tv to truly enjoy this.

Legolas & Tauriel:
A great addition. Having Legolas returns make sense since he's Thranduil's son and in the book, the King of Elves have a great spot in it. You can see that Legolas is more lethal than he was in LOTR (hard to imagine), but he does the job!
Tauriel, she's bad ass, great looking and remind me a lot of Zelda... so it's a winner. :drool:
UNTIL the love story happen. Falling for a Dwarf... ok... fine... but the Arwen's Glow? Seriously? Redoing LOTR Frodo's saving EXACTLY THE SAME??? SERIOUSLY???? :angry:

Gandalf & Dol Guldur:
Really nice addition. In AUJ, they've included Radagast and I was telling myself WTF? But when thinking about it, in the book, Gandalf vanishes really oftently and we have no idea what he's doing. So, this makes total sense that he tries to find answer on what is happening and I cannot wait to see what will happen in TABA. White Council attack anyone? :movie:

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I watched the movie in French and even in French, they've included an incredible voice with a deep frightening voice. He sounds like a true master of his kingdom. Well done!
The details, the movements... Wow! Just WOW!!!

And now... the MOST disapointing/awkward/WRONG moment of the movie... The Dwarves wandering around in Erebor chasing/escaping Smaug:
Seriously guys... WTF??? WTH??? Why... oh WHY... as I said before, I don't remember how it was in the book (I'll re-read it again to know this for sure), but this look like a total chaos.
And then... the big giant Golden Dwarf that melt on Smaug? Ah come on!!! And all of this for what? NOTHING??? :wtf:
We all know that Smaug will fly away and do.... yeah well... you'll see in TABA... :movie:

So... did I like it? Yeah... kinda...
Am I satisfied? Not really... :(

For AUJ, I was one of the few that enjoyed the slow pace since it's an Introduction god damnit... For DOS, the non-stop action was great, but they created so much non-sense content that I cannot say that I was pleased.

Now... let's hope for TABA and the BIG CONFRONTATION that it will live up the Two Towers Epicness because if not, The Hobbit would be a failure for me... :(
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I went to check it out on Friday and for the most part I liked it. It was definitely better than The Hobbit, marginally at that. so here's my take on it:

---------SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!-----------

The film definitely had a better story and structure than The Hobbit did. So far some of my complaints with the previous film were fixed, but a few more were created.

Right out of the bat, freaking Smaug was fantastic! Possibly the best on screen dragon on a movie, period!!

There were a few scenes that really threw me off, for example: the barrell sequence in the river. Geez that was some CGI cheese fest. I mean I see the need for some action, but it didin't work for me the way it all looked. The CGI work was weird.

The action sequences were quite entertaining. There were plenty scenes that really gave me a glimpse of hope for the final part of this trilogy, too bad I have to wait 12 months. On a brighter note, Peter Jackson is creating a bridge between The Hobbit and LOTR, even though The Hobbit is sort of a stand alone adventure, but in a cinematic POV I can understand what PJ is doing with this trilogy. I guess I can't complaint about this.

Bringing Legolas and creating the Orc as the main villain in the first Hobbit film proved to be a great idea. That idea rolled into DOS and worked great.

Tauriel was a fantastic addition to the movie, but the I wasn't feeling the Elf - Dwarf love thing...

The final scene with Tauriel and the dwarf was a complete cheese fest, the execution was utterly cheesy. That just didn't exactly fit with the situation and the story at the moment, should have been omitted IMO...

The sequence on Erebor. I read Drum's POV and I have to disagree on this portion of the film. Smaug is clearly overpowering, the dwarfs device a plan thinking that the Dragon will definitely fall due to his greed and it's clear that once the giant golden statue of gold is revealed, Smaug is enchanted by its beauty. It simply posed for a great "trap" sort of speak. Smaug likes gold, so what better way to "trap" him, than by fooling him with a giant piece of gold?

Lastly, my main complaint with Desolation of Smaug is that there's no ending, we are left with just a giant cliff hanger. The difference between The Hobbit and LOTR is that the latter actually had a story and each piece had an ending. In the first 2 films of The Hobbit, we see a huge amount of story arcs and cliff hangers that just roll over to the next film, but they have no real ending. The audience is left with a film that just ends abruptly.
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I saw the movie today and I think it was as disappointing as the previous one. Maybe even slightly worse if I take account all the changes and stuff Jackson removed for the sake of added stuff. If I don't compare it to the book i guess it's a decent fantasy adventure, but I pretty much has to compare it to the book and it's not a good adaption at all.

Beorn barely even showed in the movie, but Jackson still thought there was enough room for completely un-necessary love story. Tauriel as a character was fine though. I would have also liked to see more stuff in Mirkwood like Bombur falling into that river that makes you fall asleep. But no, Peter Jackson thought it was better to make a long sword action scene with the spiders.

From the added stuff I did like the Dol Guldur part, but I think it was necessary in the movie so Gandalf's disappearence would make sense. But again I wasn't too sure about that whole
Resurrected Ringwraiths stuff because it's not just added stuff, it actually contradicts Tolkien's own source material.

And Smaug was of course the main star of the movie, easily one of the best looking dragons in cinematic history if not even the best. Kudos to Benedict for voicing him so well.

I also think this movie might have had even too much action, especially with Legolas. His action choreography started to look repetitive in my eyes and can't say it was even exciting.

Maybe I will like the extended edition more.

My rating for the movie would be 3/5 as a movie and only 2/5 adaption-wise.

I have no expectations for the third installment, I have lost my faith that this trilogy could become anywhere near as good as Lord of the Rings. :(
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Smaug was amazing, but the title was rather misleading.

I didn't see him do a great deal of desolating. Then finally it was about to happen...and cue fade to black like the Sopranos all over again.
Okay fellas I get the fact that you do not get or understand certain cheesy aspects of the movie.

I thought a strong female lead was a welcome addition as well as some new easy on the eye male cast members.

The relationship between Dwaf and She elf gave it a nice sence of perspective. As in the relationship in LOTR between Gimli and Legolas. Thire friendship became more credible and realistic in my view.

I have never read the books I got to chapter 4 Mushrooms and much to my shame gave up.

Again a familiar safe but more genuine with the Eatholas. Kili dose have feelings for her that ARE being recipricated. At the end of the day YOU CAN NOT HELP WHO YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH ! :LOL: :D
Tauriel was an amazing edition and I really enjoyed the movie. I think most people have a problem with the cheesy relationship not because it is cheesy but that it seemed forced and the transition was so quick. No to mention the disdane the two races have for each other.
I agree with you guys on a few points here and there but ultimately

I did not see the need for the movie, nothing is accomplished. It is really just a set up for the next movie. I almost think they could have shortened this to an hour, split it into 2 and append them to each of the other movies. Don't get me wrong Smaug, like Hooray says is Probably the best Dragon on screen but so much was added needlessly. I mean the love triangle ugh. And the dwarves in the book really don't do much of anything regarding the dragon.

Like most people say Legolas being there makes sense since he is the prince and Tauriel ok fine you need more elves. But why is Legolas chasing Bolg, seriously wtf

to Drum Re: Gandalf
Gandalf does leave the company of the dwarves for a while and returns for the battle of the 5 armies. It is mentioned in the appendix at the end of LOTR books that e went to fight the Necromancer, so Peter Jackson decided to add that to the movies. It does happen during the time of the Hobbit just not in that book.

to Hooray RE: The ending and LOTR
Actually if you look into it Tolkien wrot LoTR as one story and it really is one story and not really a trilogy when you think about it. However his publisher in an effort to make more money and so that readers would in fact read the books split them into 3. But it originally was supposed to be one long book. However PJ did mix around with the ending of the Two Towers. IIRC Frodo is stung by shelob at the end of the TTT and the battle at Rohan doesn't occur intil RotK

Overall I just don't like how many loose ends are left to get to the last movie, and nothing was resolved in this movie
1. Azog and Thorin Oakenshield
2. The Dragon
3. Gandalf
4. Battle of the Five Armies

Saw it Saturday in 3D HFR (High Frame Rate) and gotta say this:
I'm a LOTR & Hobbit fan. I've read the books several times, but I'm not that picky with details since I don't have such a great memory so sometime... I don't mind about them since I don't remember them exactly. ;)

AUJ: An Unexpected Journey
DOS: Desolation of Smaug
TABA: There An Back Again

with DOS, I think it truly shows how&why they created a trilogy from such a small book. They created SOOOO many content out of nowhere that is NOT, not even a glimpse, in the book that at a point, it gets nowhere...

----- SPOILER ALERT: -----
Enjoyed it. Well done. BUT, if you blink your eyes, you'll miss it.

Mirkwood & Spiders:
WoW! That gave me chills. Those beasts (damn I hate those) are monsters and Bilbo saves the day, Great! Also, when Bilbo reaches the top of the forest, what a great scenery. Truly a great moment!

Barrel escape:
Really well done. In the book, it's kinda boring. All the barells are closed and sealed. No Orcs chasing around and no action. So, the change is well appreciated. BUT, the 3D HFR make the CGI look like a Video Game. It just doesn't work for me. I'll have to wait to watch this at home on my regular 2D Sony tv to truly enjoy this.

Legolas & Tauriel:
A great addition. Having Legolas returns make sense since he's Thranduil's son and in the book, the King of Elves have a great spot in it. You can see that Legolas is more lethal than he was in LOTR (hard to imagine), but he does the job!
Tauriel, she's bad ass, great looking and remind me a lot of Zelda... so it's a winner. :drool:
UNTIL the love story happen. Falling for a Dwarf... ok... fine... but the Arwen's Glow? Seriously? Redoing LOTR Frodo's saving EXACTLY THE SAME??? SERIOUSLY???? :angry:

Gandalf & Dol Guldur:
Really nice addition. In AUJ, they've included Radagast and I was telling myself WTF? But when thinking about it, in the book, Gandalf vanishes really oftently and we have no idea what he's doing. So, this makes total sense that he tries to find answer on what is happening and I cannot wait to see what will happen in TABA. White Council attack anyone? :movie:

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I watched the movie in French and even in French, they've included an incredible voice with a deep frightening voice. He sounds like a true master of his kingdom. Well done!
The details, the movements... Wow! Just WOW!!!

And now... the MOST disapointing/awkward/WRONG moment of the movie... The Dwarves wandering around in Erebor chasing/escaping Smaug:
Seriously guys... WTF??? WTH??? Why... oh WHY... as I said before, I don't remember how it was in the book (I'll re-read it again to know this for sure), but this look like a total chaos.
And then... the big giant Golden Dwarf that melt on Smaug? Ah come on!!! And all of this for what? NOTHING??? :wtf:
We all know that Smaug will fly away and do.... yeah well... you'll see in TABA... :movie:

So... did I like it? Yeah... kinda...
Am I satisfied? Not really... :(

For AUJ, I was one of the few that enjoyed the slow pace since it's an Introduction god damnit... For DOS, the non-stop action was great, but they created so much non-sense content that I cannot say that I was pleased.

Now... let's hope for TABA and the BIG CONFRONTATION that it will live up the Two Towers Epicness because if not, The Hobbit would be a failure for me... :(

I went to check it out on Friday and for the most part I liked it. It was definitely better than The Hobbit, marginally at that. so here's my take on it:

---------SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!-----------

The film definitely had a better story and structure than The Hobbit did. So far some of my complaints with the previous film were fixed, but a few more were created.

Right out of the bat, freaking Smaug was fantastic! Possibly the best on screen dragon on a movie, period!!

There were a few scenes that really threw me off, for example: the barrell sequence in the river. Geez that was some CGI cheese fest. I mean I see the need for some action, but it didin't work for me the way it all looked. The CGI work was weird.

The action sequences were quite entertaining. There were plenty scenes that really gave me a glimpse of hope for the final part of this trilogy, too bad I have to wait 12 months. On a brighter note, Peter Jackson is creating a bridge between The Hobbit and LOTR, even though The Hobbit is sort of a stand alone adventure, but in a cinematic POV I can understand what PJ is doing with this trilogy. I guess I can't complaint about this.

Bringing Legolas and creating the Orc as the main villain in the first Hobbit film proved to be a great idea. That idea rolled into DOS and worked great.

Tauriel was a fantastic addition to the movie, but the I wasn't feeling the Elf - Dwarf love thing...

The final scene with Tauriel and the dwarf was a complete cheese fest, the execution was utterly cheesy. That just didn't exactly fit with the situation and the story at the moment, should have been omitted IMO...

The sequence on Erebor. I read Drum's POV and I have to disagree on this portion of the film. Smaug is clearly overpowering, the dwarfs device a plan thinking that the Dragon will definitely fall due to his greed and it's clear that once the giant golden statue of gold is revealed, Smaug is enchanted by its beauty. It simply posed for a great "trap" sort of speak. Smaug likes gold, so what better way to "trap" him, than by fooling him with a giant piece of gold?

Lastly, my main complaint with Desolation of Smaug is that there's no ending, we are left with just a giant cliff hanger. The difference between The Hobbit and LOTR is that the latter actually had a story and each piece had an ending. In the first 2 films of The Hobbit, we see a huge amount of story arcs and cliff hangers that just roll over to the next film, but they have no real ending. The audience is left with a film that just ends abruptly.
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I really enjoyed this... loved it in fact! It kept me fully entertained throughout and I didn't want it to end. Very much looking forward to the final part now. :D

PS. I was surprised by how much I liked Tauriel... I thought they'd probably just use her as a bit of eye candy or something, but Evangeline did a great job and her character actually turned out to be one of my favourites!
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