PS4 The Last Guardian (2016)

Apr 2, 2009
Release: October 26th, 2016
Platform: PS4
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The Last Guardian Coming to PS3 Holiday 2011, Watch the New Trailer

A busy day for Team Ico at Tokyo Game Show! In addition to confirming Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection for PS3, Team Ico also showed off a brand-new trailer for The Last Guardian depicting a variety of real-time gameplay footage in the OP.
The Last Guardian may have Move support

Team ICO boss, Ueda, hinted that the hotly anticipated The Last Guardian may adopt both 3D and PlayStation Move functionality, though was quick to point out that nothing has been set in stone as of yet.

"We're still looking into this," Ueda said. "In its current state, we've pretty much used up the full system specs. However, we'd like people who don't normally play games to play, so if we can reach these people, we'll think about it. With this meaning, it's not the case that there is absolutely no plan for support."

"However, even if we did adopt Move, it would be Move compatible, and not exclusive."
Team Ico Talks: Fumito Ueda on The Last Guardian, Shadow of The Colossus

While in Tokyo, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ueda-san about The Last Guardian and his upcoming PS3 compilation Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection. I knew that getting a lot of firm details about a game as enigmatic and ambitious as The Last Guardian would be no easy task, so I decided to focus my questions on learning more about how the game plays, its core mechanics, and nuances I spotted in the trailer. Ueda-san’s replies provide a rare glimpse into one of 2011′s most intriguing games.

Sid Shuman: How would you describe The Last Guardian to somebody who had never seen it before?

Fumito Ueda, Director, The Last Guardian: It’s not a pet game, but there is a live animal in the game. I would describe it as an adventure game that you play with this animal.


SS: Will you control the boy, Trico, or both?

FU: You can only control the boy.

SS: What can you tell us about the boy? Does he have a name? Is he on a quest of some sort?

FU: The boy does not have a name…yet. The goal of the boy is to escape from the location you see in the trailer.

SS: Judging by the video, Trico (the beast) appears to be be a powerful force in combat situations. Is there a combat element to The Last Guardian? How does it work?

FU: As you saw in the video, Trico is able to defeat an enemy with one swipe. So in that sense, he functions as a guardian of sorts. But the boy is unable to defeat the enemies on his own — that’s the gameplay element involved.

SS: What can you tell us about the enemies we’ve seen in The Last Guardian? In the trailer, they appear to almost fall apart like statues…

FU: I can’t give you any details about the enemies. But I will say that they are not acting fully out of their own intentions.

SS: Is Trico the only creature of that size in The Last Guardian’s world?

FU: Again, I can’t give you any specific details. But there may be something like that out there…


SS: Shadow of the Colossus was known for its unusual control scheme. Will The Last Guardian follow suit with its controls, or will the controls feel familiar to players?

FU: The actual method of controls and button layouts have not been decided yet, because it doesn’t take much time to change the control scheme. But because we’re using the theme of an animal for The Last Guardian, I also want people who are not serious game players to try out this game. So I want the controls to be simpler than before.

SS: Many game journalists — and even the entry on Wikipedia — have described Shadow of the Colossus as one of the best examples for video games being an art form. How does that make you feel? Do you agree?

FU: I’m happy about it, I’m flattered. But I wonder what part are they are referring to when they make that comment, that it’s art. What part are they looking at? Because I think it’s possible to make it even more artistic. But because it’s a video game, those possibilities have been subdued somewhat — it’s a game. So I’d be interested to know what part, exactly, they mean when they refer to it as art.

There are games out there that are much more artistic than Shadow of the Colossus. And personally I also believe that it would be possible to make it even more “arty,” so to speak.

SS: What other games do you think represent a good argument for games as art?

FU: I guess it depends on how you define art, of course. But in a Japanese conception of the term “art,” it’s thought that it might be something that’s difficult to understand, or complex. Or something unique or uncommon.
So given that definition of art, maybe it’s a little detrimental to actually name any titles.

SS: You were asking why so many people name Shadow of the Colossus as an example of art. I think many people would answer that it’s because players begin to sympathize with the Colossi…

FU: So it makes you think — I understand.
Famitsu spills new details on The Last Guardian

Famitsu’s published a fresh batch of info on Team ICO’s hotly anticipated The Last Guardian for your consumption.

As translated by the wonderful chaps at Andriasang, the magazine reports that players will initially be unable to communicate with beast Torico, who will quickly doze off for a nap if you attempt to do so. Furthermore, the creature won’t hesitate to spit out any food items he doesn’t like the taste of.

Elsewhere, the publication confirms that The Last Guardian utilizes a collision system similar to that of Shadow of the Colossus, and that while players can be snatched by dungeon-dwelling guards, the game won’t end right on the spot.

Other details include hints that Torico may have a life gauge of his own, with the developers also stewing over the possibility of showing gauges to support the player. Apparently, this is an aspect that creator Fumito Ueda is somewhat worried about.

Based on its time with the game, Famitsu notes that it’s “real that exceeds real.” That’s a good thing, we imagine. Most intriguing, however, is the fact the publication confirms the sprawling adventure will use its own fake language.

Lastly, the mag observed that the movements of the main character – a nameless young lad, if you didn’t already know – are particularly impressive. Ueda expanded on this, stating that the boy will extend his arms out when approaching a wall, or touch Torico when in close proximity to the friendly beast.

The Last Guardian is pencilled in for release in Japan later this year, with a western release apparently on the cards for winter 2011.
Last Guardian demo being considered for ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection

A demo of boy-meets-beast romp The Last Guardian is being considered for inclusion in the ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection, creator Fumito Ueda’s revealed.

Quizzed on the possibility of seeing a teaser of the hotly anticipated PlayStation 3 game included in the bundle, Ueda-san told 1UP: “We’re considering it, but we haven’t come to a conclusion.”

Just to refresh your memories, the God of War Collection featured a demo of the series’ then-upcoming third installment, while last year's The Sly Collection chucked in a tiny teaser for Sly 4.

The Last Guardian is pencilled in for release in late 2011, with ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection due out in the spring.
Shadow of the Colossus/ICO, The Last Guardian delayed

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) has announced that Shadow of the Colossus/ICO Collection and The Last Guardian have been delayed.

The HD-flavoured bundle was originally due to ship in the spring, while Griffin-meets-boy epic The Last Guardian was pencilled in for a winter 2011 launch. No word yet on when both games will see the light of day, though we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop.

Said Phil Lynch, SCEE’s European product manager: “SCEE can confirm that we are officially delaying the release of ICO/Shadow of the Colossus Collection and The Last Guardian from their respective launch timeframes of Spring 2011 and Holiday/Winter 2011. We will provide more information regarding release timing at a later date.”

Elsewhere, Fumito Ueda, director & lead designer of Team ICO, offered his apologies on the delay, explaining the decision ultimately boiled down to providing consumers with more quality gameplay experience.

“I announced at last year’s Tokyo Game Show that the release timing of The Last Guardian which is currently being developed would be holiday 2011,” he said.

“However, to provide more challenging and better quality of content to users and to fulfill First Party Studio’s obligations, I decided to postpone its release timing."

“All the members of my production team are working together at a fast pace to develop and release the game in First Party Studio quality."

“I sincerely apologize to all the customers who have been waiting for “The Last Guardian” for so long, but I beg for your patience. I will also announce the new release timing at a later time.”
Games that have been development hell for so many years often end up being sub-par. I hope this game turns out to be good, the graphics didn't look that great for a PS4 game...Nice to see its actually coming out though
Games that have been development hell for so many years often end up being sub-par. I hope this game turns out to be good, the graphics didn't look that great for a PS4 game...Nice to see its actually coming out though

Keep in mind that everybody said that with Fallout 4, with the first reveal teaser video. Look at the huge difference in graphics from that, to the E3 reveal. Alot of games seem to save graphic polishing for towards the end of development.
During its E3 press conference, Sony Interactive Entertainment showcased a new look at the upcoming PS4 exclusive The Last Guardian.

We also get a release date for the game, October 25th, 2016.

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Reactions: tridon
I love that box art! There will also be a Collector's Edition coming, too! :D

I can't believe that this thread was created in 2009 -- only a year after the creation of HDN! Damn!!!
You can tell the game was originally meant for PS3... the graphics still look quite dated. Obviously the story/gameplay is what matters though, and I'm sure it'll deliver in that regard. :)
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Reactions: tridon
you see that it was a PS3 game, but ICO and Shadow Of Colossus were fantastic game, so The Last Guardian is a must buy.