The Silence of the Lambs (4K UHD Limited Edition) (Arrow Video) [UK]


Contributor Steels/Arrow
Premium Supporter
Sep 10, 2012
Release date: August 26, 2024
Purchase links: Arrow Films - Zavvi - HMV
Price: £30.00 (Arrow Films) - £29.99 (Zavvi - HMV)
Notes: Slip is a Rigid Slipbox

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Prefer this OG art to the webstore exclusive. Plus, you can reverse the amaray sleeve if you want to incorporate the new art.
Your welcome

Note on separate matter
Zavvi has nothing to do with Arrow Films UK or Arrow Video USA/Canada apart from getting some of their releases as an exclusive.
Arrow Films UK and Arrow Video USA/Canada has always been seperate run companies to Zavvi.
The only connection is the store websites is that they are both operated by Thg ingenuity webstore platform which means both has same customer service.
Thg ingenuity also look after other retailers websites shops for example Gillette UK/Homebase UK and lots of other retailers you might not be aware about and that also means same customer service is used as Zavvi websites etc.

Also Arrow Films the distributor and Arrow store websites are totally separate business operations from each other.
Employess who work directly for Arrow Films the distributor has nothing to with the Thg ingenuity website stores side of the business.

They do of course share links to arrow website stores or the retailers social media links.

Arrow Films is owned by THG PLC and not by Zavvi
Also Zavvi is no longer owned by THG since July 2023 and is now known as Zavvigroup Ltd but still has their website shops run by Thg ingenuity platform.

When THG sold Zavvi it did not include Arrow Films
Arrow remained with THG as it was separately owned by THG PLC and was not owned by Zavvi.

Arrow Films or Zavvi or any other retailer that has their websites stores operated by THG ingenuity are only useful for when contacting about an order done on those websites but not for the best for release info.
The THG run websites customer service they will often just look at website listing and as they don't work directly for Arrow as in they are not involved in putting the releases together the websites customer service will have limited info about a release.

Arrow releases when looking for info always best to contact staff who work directly for Arrow Films the distributor and not the websites stores customer service.
If you have an order issue that's when you have to contact customer service from your account or use website store customer service on social media.

Some staff that work for arrow directly are on twitter are best to contact about a release info as it's them who are involved in putting a release together note they do not have any involvement with the website stores so can't provide help on orders done.
Their twitter accounts are their own private accounts and not the arrow films twitter account itself so it's upto themselves if they reply when asked about a release.
Thanks for the info Paul, i do have memory issues though so i'll probably still ask you questions in the future or say something about arrow and zavvi not remembering what you said:)
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I messaged Arrow about the slip,

I wrote "Regarding the slip for the Silence of the lambs 4k, is it going to be a side loading rigid case like your recent Carrie & Invasion of the body snatchers releases or an O Ring top loading slip like weird science? Many thanks"

Their reply

"Thank you for getting in touch about the cases.

I am sorry that you did not get the cases.

It does not show the case the item is sent with, you will have to check once the order is delivered.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything else we can do; a team member will be happy to help."

Incredibly unhelpful, i don't know how anyone can create something to sell on their label and not have any idea what it will be until it lands on their customers doorsteps. Or maybe nothing has been finalised yet, even though they've put pictures up..who knows.

At this point, I've just ordered the non Arrow exclusive slip.
Wish it was a release to match Hannibal though, with an embossed and glossed steelbook.
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