Twister (4K Blu-ray SteelBook) [USA]

Aug 25, 2011
Hong Kong
Release date: July 9, 2024
Purchase links: Gruv - Amazon
Price: $29.99 (Gruv) - $41.01 (Amazon)


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Looks like they've stopped pre-orders for this at the moment. Both Gruv and Amazon are not accepting orders and the release date on Gruv is now TBA. It's been like this since Friday I think.

It could have sold out, but it seems unlikely
Looks like it's a steelbook only release in the US.

Forward the following video onto 9mins 50seconds.

That info in video is incorrect It's not SteelBook only

Twister 4K is getting both Standard Amaray and SteelBook releases on July 9 in USA

Standard Amaray available to pre order from Universal webstore Gruv and WOW HD

Standard Amaray
Gruv $24.99
Apple TV 4K
My iTunes USA account the HD version I already had of Twister got updated for free to the 4K version today and also includes the new extra as well as the previous extras.

I have the UK collectors edition on pre order I might decide to cancel that order.
What a garbage art.. whoever selected this don't know anything about art itself! (n)
I'd be more worried about people that willingly buy it... they should have their Collector Card revoked.

This steelbook does its assigned job well - warns people with simple schematic sign and designated color: green shite inside, do not touch.
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I'd be more worried about people that willingly buy it... they should have their Collector Card revoked.

This steelbook does its assigned job well - warns people with simple schematic sign and designated color: green shite inside, do not touch.
I cringe every time I see a pop-art (vector design) steelbooks. I personally find it as a joke and this Twister release is a perfect example. It felt like they've selected someone who just had a day tutorial in Adobe Illustrator to create the supposed "collector edition" movie case. God it's awful :vomit:
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