Vlad Rodriguez Art Thread


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
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Vlad's style is getting better and better with time. I got his Gangs of New York, cant wait to get it hand.

I totally agree. Its funny cause I had seen his work over a year ago .... I thought it was like all just photoshop. Cause that's how good he is ... For me personally it means something to know and realize that an artist is truly drawing this stuff. I think his stuff is getting better to me and my tastes personally cause they are starting to look a bit more natural which is what lead to me taking the time to further research his work and learning that he is just really that good. So I think as it appears a bit more rugged or more natural and not "perfect" it is in turn becoming much more appealing to me. Perhaps that is happening with others too? idk.

That combined with him having some real good composition as of late has been making for some stellar stuff.

In fact the more his textures look less like a computerized painting the more I like. :)
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The way he draw portraits and people is awesome :notworthy:
But I don't like how he design the whole print. Gangs of New York looks perfect but for example American Psycho looks way to busy in my eyes or unfitting with the bloody letters. Can't explain it correct.
I actually like the American Psycho, but the only thing that isnt of my taste is the lettering for American Psycho is split up to fit .... looks neat, but not for me .... perhaps it reworked as a horizontal and I would have been really amazed. Tho I like all the rest and think it looking like blood is spectacular.
I totally agree. Its funny cause I had seen his work over a year ago .... I thought it was like all just photoshop. Cause that's how good he is ... For me personally it means something to know and realize that an artist is truly drawing this stuff. I think his stuff is getting better to me and my tastes personally cause they are starting to look a bit more natural which is what lead to me taking the time to further research his work and learning that he is just really that good. So I think as it appears a bit more rugged or more natural and not "perfect" it is in turn becoming much more appealing to me. Perhaps that is happening with others too? idk.

That combined with him having some real good composition as of late has been making for some stellar stuff.

In fact the more his textures look less like a computerized painting the more I like. :)

Your pretty much on point with this artist and your observations, John. His work always had this "painterly" look to it but his compositions early on were poor and at times early on he tried to make his work too refined which does not work well for him.

But his current compositions along with that painterly look actually sets his work apart. His Usual Suspects, Fury, Gangs of New York and couple others I cant mention right now are looking just fantastic. Actually he did two different composition prints for another commission that I just saw 15 minutes ago... one is his usual old composition which looks bad and one is his newer composition style and again just looks so much better. He should stick with his new style for good IMO.
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He's got a Face/Off commission coming that I might be looking to unload if anyone is interested.