Warner Wave 4 Steelbooks (Vote ends June 15)

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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009


Warner Bros. is planning to release another 5 new Blu-ray Steelbooks. Vote for your favourite by June 15, 11:59pm PST and Top 5 of 8 films will be made into SteelBooks.

Apparent "winners" based on votes in bold. See separate threads for each release to discuss.

Wizard of Oz
Exorcist - Extended Dir Cut
Gone with the Wind
LA Confidential
Polar Express
Shawshank Redemption
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Amadeus Dir Cut
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Hey guys-I also updated the OP link, since they asked the question for the poll a while ago and it has now been bumped further down on their Facebook page, since new things have been posted in the meantime. The new link in OP goes directly to their "Questions" area on Facebook, where they poll fans. The Steelbook question is towards the top. Vote away!
i think with all the titles in the back catalogue, warner should not do steels of titles they already have out as a digibook.
im not double dipping anymore, and i tend to lean towards digibooks over steels, on account of the added info/art etc.
how about a gremlins steelbook (double feature if poss, with gremlins 2) beji button, hereafter, lost boys, payback, the rest of the matrix trilogy, the other batman films (even if its i triple film box set, just so we can have them all in nice special packaging)....
its nice to have the choice, sure. and i might in the future go for steels over digibooks. but whilst there are not so many titles in steel format, why try to get us to double dip?
la conf, polar exp and gone with the wind would be the only ones i would go for, but not near the top of my wanted list by any means.
I just hope they do some real interesting and different artwork instead of the re-hashed covers...
According to the vote totals on the Futureshop page, it appears that the bolded entries in OP will be released in the next Warner Wave of steelbooks. I'll create separate threads. DB
What an uninspired list. Most of these already have digibooks or other special packaging already. I might skip this round entirely. <sigh>
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