Website Collects Donations To Send M. Night Shyamalan Back To Film School!

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA

A new website has popped up on the World Wide Interweb devoted to sending the critically acclaimed berated filmmaker back to film school!

M. Night School is a "non-profit" accepting donations from anyone who cares about the preservation of the quality of future films enough to pay for the writer and director's re-education.

The website's pledge reads:

"If we all just donate one dollar, we can send M. Night Shyamalan back to NYU so he gets the help we all so desperately need. Lets make it happen so we can get him enrolled before he starts principal photography on 1000 A.E."

After they raise enough money, the "organization" plans on presenting M. Night with "a giant check" while filming the event.

If he REFUSES his scholarship, the money will be used to set up a scholarship in his name, which aspiring filmmakers can submit their best work for a chance to win and go to NYU!
Big LOL! He has interesting ideas, and I was excited when I first learned about him and his early films , but his later work is just flat out bad.
His latest work is just bad. What studio could possibly think of giving him work? I mean some movies are so bad that are good simply because they turn funny, but his are just bad bad
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His latest work is just bad. What studio could possibly think of giving him work? I mean some movies are so bad that are good simply because they turn funny, but his are just bad bad

Yeah. I don't think I can ever forgive him for destroying the Avatar: The Last Airbender film...
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