What SteelBook do you REGRET not getting?


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

This should be about steels you had a chance to get at release, but didnt for one reason or another. It's not about a brand new collector, who wasn't around for a release just regretting that. However, you can share that you regret not getting into them earlier if you are a new collector. :D

Maybe you own it now, but regret passing it up at release and paying more $$$ for it later etc.

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I bought a load of Drive, maybe 15 copies at HMV on release day...I think at £14.99 and offered some to help out on this forum...Only one taker....And the rest is history :wow:

yeah i ordered 10 iron mans from play when i came home from the pub pissed one night , was only meant to order 1 so when i got 10 in post i contacted 9 members on the forum to say i could pass some onto them at no extra cost and a few members from germany got me a amazon.de in straight swap , after a week a seen the prices go up and thought i should have kept them and made mega bucks but after meeting so much good people on here im glad i did give them to other ninjas
yeah i ordered 10 iron mans from play when i came home from the pub pissed one night , was only meant to order 1 so when i got 10 in post i contacted 9 members on the forum to say i could pass some onto them at no extra cost and a few members from germany got me a amazon.de in straight swap , after a week a seen the prices go up and thought i should have kept them and made mega bucks but after meeting so much good people on here im glad i did give them to other ninjas

Sometimes, even members pass up very good offers...I bought 10 Pulp Fiction at £10 when Play.com had a fire sale...Only two members took up the offer at cost!
I've really only started collecting properly this year, so it would have to be Frozen for me. That said, I only collect steels for movies I actually like, and if I do ever make a blind purchase and subsequently don't like the film, I have no qualms in moving it on.
I got hmv drive steelbook when it came out but it was damaged took it back and didn't get a replacement :banghead:

Didn't get the play.com iron man 1&2 didn't have many steelbooks then :banghead:
I don't think there's any I don't regret not getting.

There's a few I do regret getting though, where either the steelbook, movie or both weren't worth my money. I lose track of ones I've bought, only to get rid of later because I didn't want to own them. The Percy Jackson movies, The Expendables movies and A Good Day to Die Hard spring to mind.

There's also ones with 3D plastered on them which I've kept but wish the 3D logo wasn't there (especially as I have no interest in 3D, and like to put the DVD in the steelbook when I can), Man of Steel 3D and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 3D for example.
Thor HMV
Iron Man Play.com

These have both cost me a fortune in the past on the secondary market.
Germany's Wanted with debossed logo (too expensive nowadays)
Holland's Red Cliff (hard to find a mint one)
Spain's Mirror's Edge (impossible to find alltogether)
Zavvi's Beauty and the Beast (too expensive nowadays, for my taste anyway)

I also regret buying a few:

- Futureshops's lenticular Looper Steelbook
Bought it before I'd seen the movie to feed my lenticular-fetish because it was one of the first lenticulars. Didn't think it was any good.

- KimchiDVD lenticular Perfume Steelbook
I thought I'd cash in on the KimchiDVD-hype and bought, but I'm still stuck with it. That'll teach me for being a scalper :LOL:
Thor (HMV) and Iron Man (Play)

Particularly Thor - went into HMV when it came out; walked past it thinking 'Oooh, that's nice, cheap too'.
They had them for weeks - kept walking past and not buying - still don't know why.
Ah well . . .
Definitely 'The Raid' Play.com UK Exclusive! :( I'm still looking for it! :meh: :dunno:

Yep, that's a third for me - forgot that one!
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