What SteelBook do you REGRET not getting?


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

This should be about steels you had a chance to get at release, but didnt for one reason or another. It's not about a brand new collector, who wasn't around for a release just regretting that. However, you can share that you regret not getting into them earlier if you are a new collector. :D

Maybe you own it now, but regret passing it up at release and paying more $$$ for it later etc.

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Any of the Frozen steelbooks. Didn't think I'd like the film so didn't pre-order the Zavvi exclusive. Also wish I'd gotten the Blufans Ultimate edition (n)(n):(:banghead:
The one I regret getting is the German one of the most recent Rambo a few years back. I was actually about to buy it and I deleted the basket at the last minute. Now it's so expensive you'd need to mortgage your house.
Look at this! A legit place to vent out.. haha!

Anyway, like most of folks in here. I got into the steelbook collecting kinda late and regret missing a lot of releases. If only we can turn back the time! ... I regret not getting the following steelbooks below as they are quite a few of my favourite classic movies. I know they are still around, but I just couldn't justify their prices. These are the titles I don't mind seeing reprints.

Pulp Fiction (Play.com)
Forrest Gump (Play.com)
Black Hawk Down (Play.com)
Alien Anthology (Play.com)
Kick-Ass 2
District 9 (FS/UK)