What steelbooks are you getting for Christmas?

Oct 11, 2011
Poole UK
I'm happy to say, that I've probably got around 10-12 steelbooks coming to me Christmas day.

I remember all the Play.com release were getting so out of hand, I started asking family members if they would pick them up (in the middle of July, September etc) early, and save them for Christmas.

I've actually forgotten some of the ones I've asked for, which is great really!
I know for sure I've got 'The Godfather', 'Ghostbusters' and 'Top Gun'.

My parents think I'm mental, because I've asked them to inspect every copy delivered, from the spine to the packaging :D

So what you all getting?
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My awesome wife let me spend a few bucks on some steels for Christmas, so here are the ones I know I'm getting!!

Dark Shadows
Full Metal Jacket
American History X
Chernobyl Diaries
Scott Pilgrim
Hellboy 2
Inglorious Basterds