What's the cheapest Region B Blu-ray Player?


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Scott , Bailey? You guys ever see some cheap-o brand at stores over there that I wouldnt know about?

In the US, we got some cheap brand ones at wal-mart that you dont see on Amazon.
I just curious if there was a store with them cheaper than amazon.uk

I want one so for the entire time of Blu-ray I will never ever have to worry about region coding ... so I can just buy freely knowing my discs will work. Especially with that in case of Blu-ray SteelBooks as most are released in Europe.
Well im going shopping tomorrow so let me have a look. Im 99% sure it wont be cheaper. E-Bay is always a good way. I was looking to get a region a machine but with the exchange rate the way it is, i dont think its worth importing at the momment. Saying that, i will keep a look out. Do you want a machine with bd profile 2.0 or what? Anything your looking for?
Honestly, if im buying another region player, just the cheapest thing possible ... I may wait but im curious on prices for now.

Dude u could get a region A from me for cheap.

we have retail 199.00 .... but there are always sales and such that could prolly get u one for 150 which is like 120 euros ....