[WINNER ANNOUNCED NINJA WEEK'14 GIVEAWAY] Ninja Premium Member Subscription #2!

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Premium Supporter
Jan 5, 2012
Well, since I've won the Xbox one I thought I'd better do another giveaway for you good people of HDN!

:hidefninja: This time round I'm offering a free Ninja Subscription to one lucky winner! :hidefninja:

Read more about what's on offer with the Ninja Subscription HERE


Rules: Thank the thread and answer me this. If you were a Ninja, what would your first assignment be and how would you kill your target? :D

Giveaway ends on Thursday 06th Feb at 1000GMT

Good luck everyone! :movie:

What.... what do you mean I can't enter the Xbox competition as I'm in the UK!?!?! Right that's it.... Wreck...... Horhay.....DB?!?!??!
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You should put "Premium Membership #2" because I believe there was another thread similar to this.

If I was a Ninja (which I am), my mission would be to to come in and kill the rap game with my amazing lyrical word slinging ability (pretty much what I'm doing in my free-time right now) :D
I would make it my mission to kill both Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber

I would drop them into a very large tank with as many great white sharks that could fit in it :oohyeah:
Thanks for the giveaway!!

My mission would be to slap those around using film piracy because I do not want cinemas to close!! I would destroy their laptops!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHH!
Thanks for the giveaway!
If I was a ninja, my first mission would have to be to go to the supermarket, find bad fruit (I mean the nasty kinda type) throw it in the air and slice them with a katana .. No one shall have digestive problems from fruits on my watch..
If i was a ninja, my first mission would be to take out the boss of square enix, maybe then i might get the Final Fantasy i remember back
Mission: Infiltrate private residence of one corrupt businessman going by the name of Hitari Shikuru. He will be staying at his Japanese home made of wood & paper, and tile-roofed.

This is his place of sanctuary & will not expect any visitors making him an easy target. However, Mr. Shikuru will have his usual guard posted outside.

The Job: Arrive at Shikuru's place of residence at 23:00. Jump the wall, and try to detect guard. No guard present at time. Climb down wall and hide in bushes. Slowly close in on entrance to sanctuary still looking out for guard. Guard spotted standing 4 metres ahead having a cigarette. The moment guard turns other way, I use my blow pipe with poisen dart. Guard is out for at least 12 hours. Make way to entrance and pause...

Turn around and walk around home. Notice Shikuru is still up and is sitting on his floor meditating (Can see his shadow)

Close in on Shikuru and draw ninjato (sword). Before Shikuru realises what is happening, I thrust the ninjato through the paper thin wall and right into his heart. Shikuru drops to the floor, lifeless.

I withdraw, slowly looking around to ensure i was not spotted before turning around and retreat into the night...

This is Ninja membership #3 btw lol

Go stand in the corner naughty ninja ;)
Thanks for the give-away cooey ! :oohyeah:

My first assignment would be to kill the last remaining G1 steelbook producers, and my weapon would be a chainsaw. :D
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