[Winner chosen] 4 steelbook giveaway

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Video games & Steelbook
Premium Supporter
Jan 31, 2013
Hello !

I'm giving away 4 steelbook :
Mondo Looper (sealed)
Mondo Boyhood (Sealed)
Mondo Pan's labyrinth (open & empty)
futureshop indiana jones (open)


To enter, simply thank this post. To have an extra goodies in your parcel, tell me wich mondo steelbook is your favorite :)

Thank you
Thanks for the giveaway and I still not owning those mondo steelbook in my collection,

I think my favorite is the Boondocks Saints steelbook
Great giveaway.

I really like that Looper steelbook but for me I think The Thing just about takes it. Hmmm that said, Ex Machina is great too.

I'll stick with The Thing though.
My favourite is that Looper steel. I had it ages ago and sold it, still regret it and would love to have it back.

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