
Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Hey all,

Use this thread to chat about all things steelbook. Chat away ...

In an undetermined amount of time (when I need to submit GB addresses) I will then conduct the giveaway via random.org using the Post #s in this thread.

Your entries could be 1 (if you post 1 time) or 100 if you post 100 times.

At that time, I will figure out who wins the free DL TDK Blufans Edition. If you already bought the DL, you will get yours for free as I will refund you. ;)

I will host the giveaway LIVE on my IG by rolling the virtual dice first, if it lands on 5 then I will randomize the numbers 5 times and whatever # it lands on that post count # is the winner.
Hi Wreck, Thanks for this great giveaway! To all...how did you get into steelbook/premium collecting? For me started out with DVD steelbooks...just liked that they we different than the usual. The artwork for those was pretty bad but still had about 150+ in my collection when blu-rays came along. Took me about a year to hunt down Downfall DVD steelbook and cost me $100.00. Still have that. Started collecting blu-ray steelbooks and the art got much better. Then one day I stumbled on Hi-def ninja and was addicted in short order. Knew I had a problem when I bought bad movies just for the art on the slips and steels. These days I'm much more picky on titles I go for. Have over 1700 steelbooks, VMB's, futurepaks and metalcases in my collection at this point. Sorry for the long winded post!
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Thanks for the giveaway Wreck.

I shall endeavour to sneakily spam this thread as much as possible. :LOL:
For me it all started with a steelbook I saw for $5. I told myself I’ll never pay over $20 for a steelbooks. Then I bought one for $35. Then I told myself I’ll never pay one over $50. Then I bought one for $60. I told myself I’ll never pay over $100. And my dumbass somehow bought one for over a hundred a couple weeks ago. HELP ME STOP
I feel this will be a long one....

Announcing Bill Murray GIF