[winner chosen ]GI JOE And MIB3 SteelBooks from Taiwan

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

If will smith and the rock teamed up in a movie what would it be about and what would it be called?
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It would be called MIB 4 and it would be a continuation of the Men In Black series with The Rock playing a younger Kevin Brown / Agent K.
They would be a team of bank robbers who get caught and not have to work for the government to stop some terrorists. It would be called Catch and Release.
They would play best friends who are actually (unbeknownst to them) opposing secret agents both tasked with the same goal of infiltrating the other's agency.
Titled Secret Agent Friend of Foe :D
"Big Willy Johnson"

a story about a man who finds out he was genetically engineered after two of Hollywood's BIGGEST stars. Will he live up to his name?
Call it Joe Black

GI Joe meets Men in Black to help destroy an alien attack! (sounds like another Will Smith movie!)
Thanks for the giveaway

I think they'd be great in a remake :)ohno: naughty word) of Midnight Run, with Will Smith playing "The Duke" character and The Rock tasked with bringing him in.
I see these fellas in a Running Man Reboot sort of sci-fi flick going against all odds to survive a massacre broadcast on TV. Think that would be real cool
I'm talking Fresh Prince of Bel Air the movie with the Rock playing the part of Carlton. BAM!!

Thanks for the sweeeeeeet giveaway :thumbs::thumbs:
I am confident it would be something from DC Universe - where Black Adam (Rock) meets Suicide Squad (Smith).

It will be called -> LEGENDS: FINAL QUEST

Thanks for this amazing giveaway!
Running where Will Smith is an undercover caught in a drug deal gone bad and is on the run and The Rock is tasked by the FBI to finding Will Smith's character before the other parties involved do. Thanks for the giveaway
It would be bad boys 3. Smith partner got killed and Will smith and the rock hunting the same guy decide to team up.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd like to thank The Rock, Will Smith, and most importantly @Wreck for this award. It's an honor to have worked on such a beloved film. Big Willy Johnson 2 coming soon!
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