[WINNER CHOSEN] Mars Attacks Scary's 2nd Giveaway

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Scary Hair

Lost The Plot Ninja
Apr 27, 2012
Derbyshire ,England.
Brand new Unopened I left it alone dont faint EEK! . It was SO hard had to hide it .

So postage covered to your location . I'll close it 1pm Saturday . Radom winner drawn by @digitalbabe at your leasure sweetheart :notworthy:.

Now other than Hippopotami I am also Unicorn mad :drool: .

Yes I have a Tattoo of two Unicorns diffrent locations one rearly old :sick: and needs some work the other on my butt cheeck :oohyeah: No camera is WIDE enough :rofl: .

NO 1 WORD Answers :squint: I wont include them in the winning list .

SO what Mythical Animal do YOU WISH was REAL answers below HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK Ninjas :woot:
I'm not sure of this counts but I'd love this guy to be real.... Falcor


If that don't count then I'll settle with Dragons or mermaids lol

Thanks for the amazing giveaway
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Thanks for the giveaway, Scary Hair!

I'd have to go with dragons, even with the possible risks of giant, flying, fire-breathing beasts roaming the earth. They're just so cool.
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Dragons , Unicorns , Mermaids , Centaurs , Cerberus CUMBERBATCH ALL in one compation could only be run by me :smuggrin: .

Keep them coming in PLEASE :notworthy:. Just AMAZING Loving the pictures and creatures you FANTASTIC Ninjas are coming up with :oohyeah:.
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House elves from HP series.

Finally somebody could put my collection in order and I wouldnt have to pay them any money :) Seriously as long as they dont own clothes, you're fine. They can wear clothes but not own them. Couldnt be doing with that. And you may be able to claim Child benefit from the government or disability living allowance. Extra cash would be nice.

If they wouldnt allow that, I'd have to have a mermaid living in the back garden. That'll do.
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