[WINNER CHOSEN][NINJA WEEK ’14 GIVEAWAY] Lawrence of Arabia HD Zeta Exclusive!

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Jan 27, 2009
San Pedro, CA
We are nearing the end of Ninja Week and I have one last item to give away.

I have a copy of Lawrence of Arabia 1/4 Slip HD Zeta exclusive Steelbook and you could be the winner, only thing you need to do is leave a comment below telling your favorite foreign Asian film. Easy no?

Picture courtesy our thread:


Good luck!
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Lawrence of Arabia Steelbook
Amazing Giveaway :oohyeah: :drool:
I want I need :D

My Favourite foreign Asian film
is 13 Assassins


Thanks for this Brilliant Giveaway :thumbs: :scat:
Lawrence of Arabia Steelbook
Without any doubt, the answer is OLDBOY... :scat:
I have a sort of crazy love for this film as i got to interview the director a while back so its kind of a special film for me in a way ;)
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