[WINNER CHOSEN][Ninja Week'15 Give-away] 3 Steelbooks-Paranormal Activity 3, Anchorman & True Grit!

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Apr 12, 2009

Welcome to the biggest ever #ninjaweek #bestweekever at hidefninja.com!

Prize donated by @Naughtius Maximus

Paranormal Activity 3 1 DE
Anchorman 1 UK
True Grit 1 UK


To enter:

1) What drives you most crazy when you go to the theater?

2) Do you think ghosts/the paranormal are real?

Good luck new and current hidefninja.com members and enjoy the rest of Ninja Week 2015!

Remember to check out the front page of our site often for the newest Blu-ray reviews, theatrical reviews and news and interviews!


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1) Same as everyone probably: people that talk and especially when they loudly comment what's going on in the movie.

2) A tiny bit of me want's to say yes, but no, not really.
1) people hassling with their mobile phones
2) I do ... really.

thanks for this awesome giveaway once again Maximus !
Arghhhhhh don't get me started I hate people talking in the cinema two people like having full blown convos when the film is on damn I've been in some hairy situations by speaking up to these people but sod it I've paid my money I want to see this film, also had a few incidents recently with huh groups of gypsy kids coming in and just being there to mess about
Rant over

Yes I do :)
The thing that drives me crazy is when you are in a theater with 10 other people and some random person decdes to sit right next to you and ignores "the buffer zone".

Nah not really
1) damn cell phones during movie. Don't care if people have them out for promotional stuff before movie starts, but once it starts, silence them.

2) Have not had any personal experience with this yet. Am open to the idea and seeing it first hand would make me believe in it outside of movies.
1) I basically hate every sound in the cinema. Talking, laughing, eating, moaning

2) Not until I experience it :)

Thanks for this giveaway!
Thank you again for the giveaway!

1) What drives you most crazy when you go to the theater?

Cellphones, talking, the person behind me kicking the seat, the sticky floors, the overpriced snacks...ect lol

2) Do you think ghosts/the paranormal are real?
I haven't experienced any paranormal activity personally but know others who have. Its possible.
Wooow, i would love to get Paranomal Activity steel, it's sooooo beautiful. Thank you for this giveaway!

1. I hate:
- Kids -> chit chat and stupid jokes
- Those who don't eat popcorn silently
- Those who FART near you and they try to show they dont
- Those who play with the straw in the cup protector...and make this noisy sound.


2. I think i dont believe in them...but it dosen't change the fact that sometimes i feel thay can be around me.
1) What drives you most crazy when you go to the theater? People talking and looking at their cell phones.

2) Do you think ghosts/the paranormal are real?
I do believe in ghosts/spirits.
1. Someone who goes to movie to talk and eat - go out to a bar or restaurant!

2. I dont think they are real, sometimes people just want them to be real.

Thank you for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway

People who cant sit still, eat constantly and talk in between bites, that person ALWAYS sits behind me :(

10 years ago I would have said no, now I believe there may be something 'on the other side' due to certain things happening since my Dad passed away

Phenomenal giveaway! Thanks

I can't stand people talking like they're at home!! Not to mention my seat being kicked

Most definitely.
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