[WINNER CHOSEN][Ninja Week'15 Give-away] 3 Steelbooks-Paranormal Activity 3, Anchorman & True Grit!

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Apr 12, 2009

Welcome to the biggest ever #ninjaweek #bestweekever at hidefninja.com!

Prize donated by @Naughtius Maximus

Paranormal Activity 3 1 DE
Anchorman 1 UK
True Grit 1 UK


To enter:

1) What drives you most crazy when you go to the theater?

2) Do you think ghosts/the paranormal are real?

Good luck new and current hidefninja.com members and enjoy the rest of Ninja Week 2015!

Remember to check out the front page of our site often for the newest Blu-ray reviews, theatrical reviews and news and interviews!


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1. People talking through films they don't understand!!!

2. I do not believe in the paranormal.

Thanks for the giveaway!
1. Pepole that talk in the beginning of the movie, when the opening logos/music begins. That's part of the movie, too!

2. I don't think that ghosts and such things exist. It does not fit into my view of the world.

Thank you for the giveaway!
1) What drives me most crazy are commercials before the movie. I want to see big screen movie trailers, not commercials like I'm sitting at home watching basic cable.

2) No, I do not believe in ghosts.
1. People chatting or commenting throughout the whole film (and eating chips, i hate the chewing sounds next to me).

2. No not really real, they are just "there". ;)

many thanks for the give-away!
People who comment on everything that is going on in the movie out loud.

No I don't think they are real unless I see one for myself.

Thanks for the giveaway!
Kids talking about other stuff and playing with their mobile phones. Really does my head in.

Not sure if they're real or not, it's hard to decide. Until there's enough scientific proof you'd have to say no.
What drives me nuts at the theater? People, I would much rather sit there by myself. I am the same way at home.
And hell yeah ghost are real, I lived in a haunted house for 6 years
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I could kill the one behind me kicking my seat :dead:
I don't actually know if ghosts exists but there are clearly some puzzling paranormal event...
1) Chicks seated near me who are texting away and talking to their ***** pals
2) Paranormal: No, Ghosts: Yes

Thanks for the giveaway ! :)
1. People who can't go two hours without stuffing their faces

2. Nope

Thanks for the giveaway
ghosts definatley not real there is no proof we have proof for photons pentrating 1 mile below teh earths crust so why no ghosts
peopel arrivinglate IDIOTS

oh anyone would liek a discussion about why i know ghosts arent real pm its not a heated discussion just facts
1) What drives you most crazy when you go to the theater?
Cell phones being looked at in front of me.
2) Do you think ghosts/the paranormal are real?

Not at all.
1. People talking or texting on their cell phones in the theater.
2. I don't think ghosts are real per say but I have scene odd things happen when no one was around.
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