{WINNER CHOSEN] Scary's MORE scared than You 1st Giveaway

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Scary Hair

Lost The Plot Ninja
Apr 27, 2012
Derbyshire ,England.
Now to win this
UNOPENED YES ME I LEFT IT ALONE EEK! unheard of I'm a open it up lets go girl :joy:.

Anyway inportant bit's postage will be paid to the winners location. Open untill Saturday 12pm winner drawn at random by @digitalbabe thank you sweetheart in your own time :thumbs:.

1 word answers :squint:. I will not count them in the final list .

As you may or may not know I am Hippopotamus mad so much so I had this Tattoo
. So I want you to have the image of the animal YOU are most like Tat nhhhahh just kidding .

SO WHAT animal do YOU think you are ? .

Answers below and GOOD LUCK Ninjas .
At the moment I would say an elephant as I have put 2 stone on since being off work on the sick


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    16.6 KB · Views: 68
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Thanks for the give away.

I'm like a laughing Hyena as I'm always taking the piss and love to have fun and play tricks.
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Great question and great giveaway!

I think I'd be a Sloth because ayyyy why not. Have the same mannerisms and laid back like one.

ezgif.com-crop (1).gif
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Thanks for the Great giveaway!
  1. I don't need to be included in the draw as I have the beautiful steelbook :thumbs:

I love pandas and elephants,

I'm most like baby animals, in the way that I'm, confused, easily distracted and I have very little coordination :confused::confused:
download.jpg set3.jpg Cute-Baby-Elephant-Pictures-7-500x314.jpg that's me:D
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I hope I am a Tiger. It represents strength and honour, values that are very important for me. Even if I am not that strong :D

Thank you very much! :)
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Definitely an eagle. Actually, anything that can fly really. I mean lets be real here. Who WOULDN'T want to fly?

Thanks for the giveaway! Still haven't seen Beetlejuice, so this would be awesome to be able to win.
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Lemur because they are almost extinct and that's how I feel about my name "joanie" lol plus, I love the outdoors!

Thanka for the awesome giveaway!
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