[Winner Chosen]Snatch & Taxi Driver (Project Pop Art) Steelbooks

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TV/Video Game/Music Mod
Premium Supporter
Oct 3, 2010
Drums, PA
The winner is:

Welcome to another great Ninja Week full of great prizes, donated by awesome people.

This giveaway features both Snatch and Taxi Driver Project Pop Art steelbooks, which have been opened, and have been graciously donated by @Wreck .

snatch steel.jpg
taxi driver.jpg

Since both of these movies have parts in them that are a little strange and off the wall, simply post the name of your all time favorite, strange or off the wall movie.

:ninja:The best of luck to you all!:ninja:
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I'd have to go with Battle Royale.

I remember being blown away with the whole concept when it was first released.

Probably lost a little of it's edge now as it's been copied and imitated to death!! (Hunger Games anyone?)

Still the original and best though :)

Thanks for the giveaway.
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