[WINNER CHOSEN] Win 'Foxy Brown' steelbook from Arrow!


Premium Supporter
Jan 5, 2012

Courtesy of the great guys at Arrow, I have one copy of this new steelbook from Arrow for one lucky winner!!

All you have to do to enter this, is tell me which movie you'd like to see Arrow release and why! By this I don't mean what steelbook do you want to see Arrow release, but what actual movie do you want to see Arrow give their treatment too

This competition is open to EVERYONE, but please note the following. Anyone from within the UK, this will be sent direct from Arrow. Anyone outside the UK, this will be sent to me and I shall forward on to you, but I do ask that postage is covered please.

The competition will end one week from today, so 21st June

Good luck!
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Just fyi it says in the OP that it is a film you next want arrow to release on blu ray, not steelbook, so Arrow can't have released the film on Blu Ray before. Everyone keeps using already existing arrow films like Maniac Cop and Who Dares Wind, but that isn't what the suggestions are for, it is for films not already released by Arrow on Blu Ray... :)

Just thought i would let you know ;)
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Missed the Twilight Time issue of Christine. A release by Arrow would help me forget that oversight.

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Yeah I was just about to say, this isn't for what film you want to see released as a steelbook, but what film you would like to see receive the Arrow treatment :)
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i've put it in the Arrow categories which titles i demand most and also be quiet popular.

World Cinema: City of God

Arthouse: Mulholland Drive

Cult: Harold and Maude

Classic: Seven Samurai

Horror: Nosferatu

Agreed on all of these but not sure most of them would suit the current Arrow catalogue. Harold & Maude and Nosferatu (I assume you mean the Herzog one) probably, but the latter may get a BFI release sometime in the next year...
Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon

some else has posted that and I agree...No blu-Ray of this film yet and would like to see it get the Blu Ray treatment
Agreed on all of these but not sure most of them would suit the current Arrow catalogue. Harold & Maude and Nosferatu (I assume you mean the Herzog one) probably, but the latter may get a BFI release sometime in the next year...


World Cinema: Stalker

Arthouse: Eraserhead

Cult: The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Classic: The General

Horror: Braindead
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