[WINNER CHOSEN] zesty's custom giveaway

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empty wallet Ninja
Premium Supporter
Feb 3, 2012
Birmingham, UK
and he winner is @rj531 congrats :D

View attachment 142891

So I normally do this in the members area on my birthday but as it's Ninja Week I thought I'd do it here this year ;)

So how do you enter? Thank this post this is where the list of entrants will come from so if your names not down your not coming in and post what you would want me to do :D

What can you win? Well basically whatever you like that I can make any of these that I've already done https://www.hidefninja.com/community/threads/zestys-custom-collection.30546/ or maybe one of my concept's that I haven't got round to making (way to many you'll have to read back through the thread) here https://www.hidefninja.com/communit...esigns-post-your-own-concept-art.3127/page-70 think these are the latest ones I made look for Drum18's (ignore zone's!) post on this page https://www.hidefninja.com/community/threads/pics-of-your-last-steelbook™-acquired.3941/page-1314#post-957251 but if you want something like that you will have to supply the interiors yourself 3 and 4 disc ones are not easy to come by :hilarious:

Rules: One entry per member
Winner: A winner will be announced on March 1st
Shipping: Winner pays shipping (worldwide)


  1. mnementh
  2. GinjaNinja18
  3. Apollon
  4. spass
  5. Monkey2005
  6. terry44
  8. rj531
  9. Asopp
  10. YellowCake
  11. Jb162009
  12. T800kaz
  13. vurt
  14. cooey
  15. crossbow
  16. bantha11
  17. kbr1656
  18. monsterzebra
  19. dan8885
  20. harry
  21. severo
  22. bigwednesday0
  23. comICS-soon
  24. Lester
  25. Ask
  26. oselallo
  27. Paulapips
  28. mmz41
  29. MGD
  30. Towser
  31. Auracom
  32. kryptonite
  33. Ricardo13
  34. Collector03601
  35. shejon01
  36. Shadow of Light
  37. PunkNinja
  38. Agent_DVD
  39. whysoserious?
  40. Scott
  41. Basil
  42. toyklectrr
  43. Gurrich
  44. bigfub
  45. Kuzco
  46. Buffalo MX
  47. Joanie Mason
  48. Hooch
  49. Drum18
  50. SBC28
  51. Cobster
  52. slayerdaniel
  53. FCSM
  54. demon666
  55. huggy2k4
  56. jdclark88
  57. unam9
  58. stinkofdefea
  59. jmromanos
  60. rodtp
  61. nefilim
  62. Jango
  63. shadow2351jl
  64. Ricker
  65. Antman
  66. AirZonk
  67. wyatt03
  68. Madness
  69. dvdjunkie
  70. BumBum
  71. Flloydo
  72. KeyserSoze30
  73. bigballas01
  74. Steelpen2
  75. Scary Hair
  76. j4c0
  77. ash333
  78. oldboy
  79. TheStixter
  80. bloodsnake007
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Thanks for the contest @zesty I'm gonna go with a terminator 2 custom steel, free reign how you do it and whatever but yeah terminator 2 all the way
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