[WINNER CHOSEN] Zootopia BluFans Lenti Edition (SteelBook Give-away)

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

So pleased to bring you this in cooperation with BluFans as I absolutely adore this movie!

This is for the Lenti edition only!!

What is your favorite part of a blufans edition? They come with a lot of swag at times so what do you like most about their editions?

answer that for a chance to win!
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Firstly they always come up with WEA art on their Exclusive editions and Always the Lenticulars have alot of depth. They may have not always been top notch with the quality but their packages have improved greatly and ive never stopped collecting them. And from now own you can always count on them to come up with a great exclusive artwork on every big Disney and Marvel release :)
WEA steel, then the slips. Thanks!

Btw, love this movie myself, and this is no lie, I've must have watched it like 10 times in just the 2 previous weeks alone. My 3 year old girls doesn't want to watch anything else atm, lol!
I don't own any blufans editions but I constantly read how amazing they are. Thanks for giving us a chance to win this one!
Thanks for the giveaway! :thumbs:

Straight up, I've never purchased a blufans edition of any kind; perhaps I'll be able to answer the question more proficiently after I win this one. :naughty:
I like the fact that their artwork is different so the WEA and those double sided lenticulars are dope!
thanks for the giveaway
the best thing about blufans steelbooks is apart from the overall quality , for me getting it in hand for the first time and admiring the small details
Thanks for the giveaway!

Blufans' steelbooks themselves are almost always total knockouts. Looking just at the extras, their lentis are a close second.

Thanks again!
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