[WINNERS CHOSEN] [Ninja week '15 Give-away] One free ticket to a future group buy

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010

hi fellow Ninjas! Here are the rules of this prize package.

1) the group buy must be hosted by me
2) thread to be posted after ninja week (no current threads apply)
3) you must redeem within 3 months of ninja week
4) shipping is paid by you
5) the max item cost would be $45

TWO (2) winners will be chosen, regardless of location.

That's it, let's get to the question.

Frugal ninjas, what is the one tip you would give people to quickly and easily start spending less money?

WINNERS - @fleurgasm and @bloodsnake007
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do not double-dip (or triple-,...) on the same movies all over again. if there's an edition with a new, nice artwork you would like, make a decision if you want to keep the old one OR buy the new one (and sell the old one).

many thanks for the give-away!
Great idea for a giveaway!! I would say if money needs to be saved, cut down on using credit cards. It's WAY too easy to spend online or in store with the plastic. Set a budget, use cash/debit to stick to it! (Just don't carry all your cash with you all the time!)
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Thanks for the great giveaway!! (Thanks Andy)
My tip:
Once you know you want a specific Steelbook- DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
Hit every retailer and site to check prices. Don't panic and buy immediately because you are afraid of missing the Steelbook you want- precious FEW Steelbooks disappear from the market. (Example: After the GOTG run- you can now get one at a reasonable price...)
And always check SOLD listings to see what the market will bear. Just because someone wants a Gazillion dollars doesn't mean it is WORTH a Gazillion dollars! (It mostly means the seller is a fruit loop with dreams!)
- see: the guy selling Django Unchained for just under 1 Mil on eBay!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Very good question. I would say give your credit card, and your money to your wife. She is the best safe deposit box :p :LOL::rofl::LOL:

But if you are single guy, then stay away from @bloodsnake007 comments because by the end of the day, you will buying triple steelbooks, digibooks, slip covers, collectors set of Godzilla, Pacific rim, King Kong and sayonara bank account. Plus you will join him at his work ( pole dancing) :LOL::rofl::LOL::rofl:;):thumbs:
LMFAO!!! :rofl: :woot: Crazy @harry! :LOL: :wacky:

I would agree with you buddy about the wife being the best safe deposit box, but Alyssa is worse than I am! :ohno: :banghead: You should see ALL she spends on shoes, purses, dresses, makeup, and other $hit she "claims" she needs! :rolleyes: :squint: Women... :meh: :p
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Thank you, Ap!

I'd say...learn how to control yourself by means of confronting yourself with the consequences of spending too much. It's really the only answer.
Great giveaway

Lol easiest way is staying away from this whole site, which is very hard as there is something in every area that temps you eg. SteelBook, mondo steelbook, slips, digibooks, collectkrs sets, posters, funko etc. Everytime I stay away from one area I end up buying something from one of the others ;)
If your credit card has a reward system or online shopping mall, use it. I've racked up enough points over the years to save $200-$300 on my apple products.
Pre order every steelbook you think you want. Then you've got the option to cancel if you change your mind!

Thanks for the amazing giveaway Andy.
plan plan plan make sure that the steel is you want and that if theres not much buzz about it wait till it drops or if it marvel buy the **** out of it ... or disny
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