Working Out Thread

I dont know? I'm researching some issues so hopefully I'll get it sorted out real soon [emoji106]

Cool! I had some issues like that this time last year. I decided to try running barefoot to see if it was my shoes, and sure enough running barefoot helped relieve pressure in my lower calf (compartment issue). Just a thought. Definitely post up what you find out. :)
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Cool! I had some issues like that this time last year. I decided to try running barefoot to see if it was my shoes, and sure enough running barefoot helped relieve pressure in my lower calf (compartment issue). Just a thought. Definitely post up what you find out. :)
Thanks for your reply. I am in the process of buying new running shoes. Going to the running shop this week to get some some advice on a few things!
Thanks again. I'l keep you posted [emoji106]
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As of today, I'm 20lbs heavier than I was at the end of summer. 205 is just a tad too much for me. Time to get the diet in check.

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Decided to skip the diet. Honestly, I'm just sick of it, and at this stage of my life, I really don't care if I have a 6 pack. Besides, all my lifts have improved greatly, and I feel alot more solid than I ever did at 6% bodyfat. So, no more diet and exercise. From now on it's eat and train. Here are a couple vids of the main part of my leg workout that I did today for anyone interested. They are raw and unedited to show not only the movement, but the rest time as well:

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Made this video for a fellow Youtuber.

Youtube description:

Hadn't planned on doing deadlifts or squats yesterday, but since THR keeps busting my balls about it, LOL! Didn't go extremely heavy as I had done leg work (sprints) the day before and lightly strained my left hamstring. This was alot harder to do than I thought it would be after I pre- fatigued my legs well. Squats took everything I had which was nothing because I had nothing left in the tank.

@STARKILLER 1138 funny I'm about 205 now and that is about the lightest i've ever been. I used to hover in the 220's but was also doing much heavier weight.

now I stick to about 2 plates benching ever since my injury but I also do a lot off other stuff now too. my swim times though has been pretty good lately
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@STARKILLER 1138 funny I'm about 205 now and that is about the lightest i've ever been. I used to hover in the 220's but was also doing much heavier weight.

now I stick to about 2 plates benching ever since my injury but I also do a lot off other stuff now too. my swim times though has been pretty good lately

That's good man. I love incorporating other things into my training than just sticking with weights. FWIW, I have put on a few pounds. Took the summer off from the gym so I could get more riding in, but now that the weather is changing, I'll be back in the gym regularly. I'll get it back quick, but it's a PITA! LOL!

also were you wearing vibrams for some of your videos

I always wear Vibrams. I'd go barefoot, but that gym requires shoes.
@STARKILLER 1138 my bach has been achy lately so i may have to cool off for a bit

I used to wear vibrams too but then they changed the KSO design and I didn't like it, now I wear Merrell's with vibram soles, so still no cusioning

Will have to check those out. I like Vibrams though. It's like nothing there, and they hold up during intense workouts.

Hate to year about your back, but I feel your pain. Two blow discs from a car accident way back in 2001 ruined my chances of competing. Its funny though, I can squat 315 for reps, but if I bend the wrong way to tie my shoes, that can throw my back out. Weird!

I wore KSOs for close to 5 years, these merrells use a vibram sole so they feel almost exactly the same.

The pair I bought was Merrell Men's Vapor Glove 2 Trail Running Shoe, there is no cushioning.

right now I am nursing an achy herniated disc so being caustious the nt two weeks with NYCC coming up
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I wore KSOs for close to 5 years, these merrells use a vibram sole so they feel almost exactly the same.

The pair I bought was Merrell Men's Vapor Glove 2 Trail Running Shoe, there is no cushioning.

right now I am nursing an achy herniated disc so being caustious the nt two weeks with NYCC coming up

I love my Vibrams man. Love'em. Best thing I did switching over from cross trainers. I'll take a look at the Merrell's though. I need to pick up a back up pair for the fall/ winter.