A general note about surfury's outstanding group buys

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
hey HiDefNinja members!

A number of you have pm'd me over the last few days asking about surfury (Dave) and some of the outstanding items he has for you.

I thought it best to contact him directly and give you an update as best as I can.

By Dave's own admission, he has taken on too many group buys all at once. As you can see by the requesting list, there are in some group buys, hundreds of copies requested. Unfortunately, he fell behind some time ago with some different problems that popped up.

Many of you have additionally requested to combine shipping on these items, even with group buys that just arrived to him.

Given that many of you have outstanding items across many of his group buys, you'll note that each one of these has to be individually weighed and invoiced in terms of shipping to give you an accurate quote.

I know that many of you are very worried right now, but I would like to assure you that Dave is working behind the scenes as best as he can to catch up on this massive amount of steel.

From my own personal standpoint, I would like to mention that Dave has never let me down, or the forum down in terms of not delivering items - I have complete confidence that you will receive these items, even if there are additional delays.

As such you'll note that Dave is not taking on any additional group buys from this calendar year for any titles not yet announced.

However, when possible for this current calendar year, HDN ourselves will be hosting a group buy, or in some cases, we can see other trusted members in the UK are helping.

Wreck and myself are working on doing anything we can to assist Dave in any manner he needs.

Please keep track of this thread - I'll try and post any updates I can that may benefit you all.

**Note that Dave has requested if you are truly concerned about your items that you can certainly e-mail him (rather than PM), those concerns.

I will do my best to assist via PM if you'd rather contact me, however, please give me a day or so to catch up before re-pm'ing.

If it helps any, I do believe we've got a system now in place where we do not have to put all the group buy responsibilities on one person, and I'm thankful we've had other members that have been able to step in and assist all of you members acquire the titles you are seeking without having to pay e-bay prices or markups.

Thank you.
I would just like to say that I am in absolutely no rush to get them. I think we all need to remember that if it wasn't for all of the wonderful people in this online community, we wouldn't be able to get most of these items. Not only am I thankful to surfury, but a big thanks to people like digitalbabe, apsmith, Drum18, biscuitnoir, and others for going above and beyond to help fellow collectors. Take all the time you need Dave. I appreciate what you do.
I totally agree with CraigH.

"I've been waiting 6 weeks for one of Dave's group buys, and have no idea when or if he has even sent it yet. You know what - "it arrives when it arrives". I have complete faith in Dave."

I've also beeing waitting 6 or 7 weeks. It doesn't matter.

Take all the time you may need. We now that you are doing your best and more. :scat:

And one more thing: :thanks:!!
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Well i'm now catching up with all the details and all I have to say to Dave is Relax, Chill and Don't Stress. As I and all the members here have 100% trust in you so you shouldn't worry. I know not eveybody is going to be patient but for majority that have partaken or new like myself to your GB's it's best for you to take your time. GB's are alot work and everybody should know that before joining.

Much respect!!!
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6 weeks?.....That's nothing! I'm still waiting for my IRON MAN's.
But I know they're safe. Ya know why? ....CUZ IT'S DAVE.:drool:
No worries mate.
I blame Play.com, If they hadn't started releasing all these freakin' titles we wouldn't be havin this discussion!:hilarious:
So here's to Dave :cheers:
Overwhelmed....but not Overmatched!
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All I hear(read) is BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. :hilarious:
Just kidding Dave I'm just messing with you. Dave you were one of the first members here that I ever dealt with and you have been a stand up guy since day one, so take your time and settle the insurmountable stock of steelies you have in hand. Take care Dave and you know you can always make it up to me with a steelie :D
The few GB's I've helped Dave out with I've dropped the Steels off at his house and have seen 1st hand the amount of steelbooks he has delivered (Poor Postie) and the system he has in place. Rest assured Dave won't let anyone Down.
Thank You Andy and Dave!

Dave, we appreciate all your help and trouble getting us steelbooks we could not have obtained without you and everything you do for us.

Do not worry about us, take your time and get through this and get caught up. When you do, sit back and take a long needed rest and take care of yourself, your family, and YOUR needs!

We love you Dave!

Take Care! :notworthy:
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Dave you can send my copy of terminator next year if you want.... all good here ;)

Peeps worried about Dave's GB.... chill, your items will arrive :)

HA Jay, yours has gone actually.

btw, Alex you're dead right, I think age is getting to me. :scat:


Thank you to all members, both past and current particpants, with your encouraging and understanding words. :notworthy: :bow: :notworthy: :bow: :notworthy:
Dave, I tried to PM you but your inbox is full. Would a 2nd pair of hands help, I don't live too far away from you and work at heathrow. If you need a hand getting things in order, let me know. I might be able to help.


Chris, I'll PM you with my contact details, we'll take it from there. Many thanks for the offer. :scat:
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I totally agree with CraigH.

"I've been waiting 6 weeks for one of Dave's group buys, and have no idea when or if he has even sent it yet. You know what - "it arrives when it arrives". I have complete faith in Dave."

I've also beeing waiting 6 or 7 weeks. It doesn't matter.

Take all the time you may need. We now that you are doing your best and more. :scat:

And one more thing: :thanks:!!

Again like J yours went beginning of week, just hope I got correct address now :ohno:
Email me if it's changed.

OK the Steels are rolling out steadily now and thanks to those who have paid so promptly. I seem to have unearthed another issue however which I hadn't spotted before and that is there seem to be a few who have not paid. I am sure this is accidental but if you are on the lists and haven't paid can you get in touch urgently. I intend updating the spreadsheets tomorrow and whilst I am sure there are a few mistakes of mine, I don't want your name to stand out like a beacon as a non-payer. Now it maybe because you didn't provide me with sufficient detail to identify you or because you didn't want to pay, if it's the latter then :angry:.

I can understand if you are narked that you still haven't got your Steels but you won't get them if you don't pay for them. This has been a very costly exercise for me and I do not want to be left with excess, even the OOS Steels. Please check you paid.
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Hey Dave, I'm pretty sure I have paid for all of mine except for Top Gun. Can you let me know how much it will come out to and I'll get it right over. Also need to pay for shipping. Thanks man.
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Hey Dave, I'm pretty sure I have paid for all of mine except for Top Gun. Can you let me know how much it will come out to and I'll get it right over. Also need to pay for shipping. Thanks man.

Top Gun et al are down to me. If I haven't billed you then that's my problem but a very valid point Jas. :scat:
no worries bro, I'm glad you're making some headway on everything. Keep up the good work and know it's very much appreciated.
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OK the Steels are rolling out steadily now and thanks to those who have paid so promptly. I seem to have unearthed another issue however which I hadn't spotted before and that is there seem to be a few who have not paid. I am sure this is accidental but if you are on the lists and haven't paid can you get in touch urgently. I intend updating the spreadsheets tomorrow and whilst I am sure there are a few mistakes of mine, I don't want your name to stand out like a beacon as a non-payer. Now it maybe because you didn't provide me with sufficient detail to identify you or because you didn't want to pay, if it's the latter then :angry:.

I can understand if you are narked that you still haven't got your Steels but you won't get them if you don't pay for them. This has been a very costly exercise for me and I do not want to be left with excess, even the OOS Steels. Please check you paid.

Email sent.
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I should perhaps clarify here that I am talking about non-payment for the Steels.

EVERYONE, and I do mean everyone, who has been asked for shipping has paid within 24 hours or less. :notworthy:

Yeah Paramount Wave 4 Top Gun & Untouchables as well as MIB Trilogy I am invoicing bit by bit trying to work out whose on which list. Fun, fun, fun - believe it or not almost mutually exclusive lists.
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