A general note about surfury's outstanding group buys

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
hey HiDefNinja members!

A number of you have pm'd me over the last few days asking about surfury (Dave) and some of the outstanding items he has for you.

I thought it best to contact him directly and give you an update as best as I can.

By Dave's own admission, he has taken on too many group buys all at once. As you can see by the requesting list, there are in some group buys, hundreds of copies requested. Unfortunately, he fell behind some time ago with some different problems that popped up.

Many of you have additionally requested to combine shipping on these items, even with group buys that just arrived to him.

Given that many of you have outstanding items across many of his group buys, you'll note that each one of these has to be individually weighed and invoiced in terms of shipping to give you an accurate quote.

I know that many of you are very worried right now, but I would like to assure you that Dave is working behind the scenes as best as he can to catch up on this massive amount of steel.

From my own personal standpoint, I would like to mention that Dave has never let me down, or the forum down in terms of not delivering items - I have complete confidence that you will receive these items, even if there are additional delays.

As such you'll note that Dave is not taking on any additional group buys from this calendar year for any titles not yet announced.

However, when possible for this current calendar year, HDN ourselves will be hosting a group buy, or in some cases, we can see other trusted members in the UK are helping.

Wreck and myself are working on doing anything we can to assist Dave in any manner he needs.

Please keep track of this thread - I'll try and post any updates I can that may benefit you all.

**Note that Dave has requested if you are truly concerned about your items that you can certainly e-mail him (rather than PM), those concerns.

I will do my best to assist via PM if you'd rather contact me, however, please give me a day or so to catch up before re-pm'ing.

If it helps any, I do believe we've got a system now in place where we do not have to put all the group buy responsibilities on one person, and I'm thankful we've had other members that have been able to step in and assist all of you members acquire the titles you are seeking without having to pay e-bay prices or markups.

Thank you.
Hey Dave - not rushing you, I just wanted to see if you could give me a status update on my steels with you. Should be about 9 or so I believe. Thanks!
Hey Dave,

Got my three steels, super fast shipping :scat:

Though I will say the watchmen and transformers had nice little inspected by surfury notes whereas prometheus did not. Did that not get the surfury inspection treatment :hilarious: jk, jk

Thanks again. trader score left!
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