Multi Battlefield 3 - New "Matches" feature launched

Jan 28, 2009
Manteca, CA
Battlefield 3
is the true successor to Battlefield 2. Beyond our signature multiplayer, we have also included a full single-player campaign and a co-op campaign – all straight out of the box. As for fan favorite features, how does the return of jets, prone, and 64-player multiplayer (on PC) sound? All this built with our powerful new game engine Frostbite 2, which you'll hear and see a lot of in the months leading up to launch.
Fault Line Episode III
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Battlefield 3 will release this Fall.



The new GameInformer issue is out and folks have already provided scans of the article, which include plenty of great-looking screenshots. Furthermore, these details were obtained from the article:

Aiming for Fall 2011 release

4 classes

Concept for BF3 has been in the works for years, waiting on proper tech to seamlessly come together

Frostbite 2.0 is the culmination of this tech, entirely re-written

Lighting sounds neat, one “probe” contains more lighting information than an entire BFBC2 level.

Level destruction is going to be “believable” but basically everything is destructible.

Character animations powered by ANT, what EA Sports uses.

AI characters and multiplayer characters have different animation sets

No more “gliding” animations that look off, animation realism is a focus

Captured their own war audios (bullets, tanks, helicopters, etc) at different distances to ensure realism

Better audio cues for certain actions, more easily able to listen for threats

Plan on better, more immediate post release content

More unlocks than Bad Company 2

Dice trying to find a good balance between customization of your character and not having “pink rabbit hat(s)”

Will have co-op

There will be a kill-cam but it can be turned off

BF3′s team is almost twice as big as the team for BFBC2

They want the pacing of the single player mode to be balanced, with highs and lows. Makes the comparison to a song vs a guitar solo.

Part of the single player mode takes place in Sulaymaniyah (Iraqi Kurdistan).

Will be M rated

PC version is lead version

No mod tools at release.
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hmmmmmmm no one hit sniper body kills ... I'm hoping they are one hit if say 75% health or less. I mean a 50 cal going through your stomach is DEATH ... Sure at close range it benefits gameplay as you dont got a bunch of quick scopers running around. (that's what the shotty is for)
The Xbox 360 might be getting Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 expansion packs first, but the PS3 gets Battlefield 3 ones first.

The publisher said today that beginning with Battlefield 3 expansion Back to Karkand, all "full-blown upcoming expansion packs" for the game will appear one week early exclusively on the PS3, "brought to you by Sony."

Some more news :p
SteelBook Exclusive for Pre-order @ FutureShop Canada ... Only xbox tho. I think I will grab the case tho :)
Alan Kertz talks Battlefield 3 beta, friendly fire

Alan Kertz, Senior Gameplay Designer of EA's upcoming Battlefield 3, answered many questions via his Twitter account about a wide variety of subjects, including friendly fire, under barrel grenade launchers, and beta code access.

When he was asked about the promised beta code access included with Metal of Honor Limited Edition, he said, "You don't need a key, if your EA account is entitled to MOH LE then you get the beta access automatically early."

He also signified that under barrel grenade launchers will not be as powerful as before, since they will have "much smaller splash" and require precision for a kill instead of depending on the explosion.

He confirmed that friendly fire will be turned off by default, though it will be automatic regardless in Hardcore mode. He also proclaimed that personal C4 and explosions will only kill the user in a friendly fire situation outside of Hardcore mode.

Alan Kertz also covered a lot of technical features, which included that burst firing will have more recoil than firing a gun in full auto, declaring it a fair trade off for accuracy.

Battlefield 3 will be releasing October 25th.
Played for a bit last night. Ran really well. Didnt freeze or anything on me, since I think this is mainly as a "stress test" There are a few times when a gun seems too overpowered. But someone at Dice tweeted this morning that issue has already been for the final build of the game. Weapons have a lot of unlocks for them. 10 for your main gun. And you'll have to unlock attachments separately for each weapon. I.E. I started out with the stock LMG last night and unlocked a holographic sight. Then later I unlocked the M249SAW and couldn't use the holographic sight. I had to earn enough points with that gun to unlock the attachment which was a 3.4x scope.