Chronicle (Blu-ray SteelBook)(Play Exclusive)-Embossed [United Kingdom]


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Hey guys, got some exclusive HDN news. :D
Release date: May 28, 2012
Buy Link: Chronicle

The Steelbook has artwork front / rear and interior. It won’t have any certification printed on the covers as these will be on J-cards. The front cover is embossed
Matte varnish and an emboss on the title treatment for the front

The Steelbook comes with Blu-ray disc and Digital Copy and this steelbook is G2!

View attachment 7658


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I ordered two copies of this. I opened mine and kept the other sealed but it had a loose disc. I've just ripped it open and it's pretty much mint apart from that really crappy looking mark on the front near the opening that some other poster reported. Looks terrible. Don't know whether to keep it and sell on, or just return it.
Hey Surf, how's your GB going? Haven't heard anything in awhile; were you able to get enough copies for everyone that ordered with you?

Hope you're doing better with whatever problem you were having =)
Got this one in the other day and I absolutely love this one. It even has a minty fresh smell to it. Did anyone else notice that or is it just me lol?
Surprised to see this is still in stock... I honestly expected it to sell out during pre-order.