[CLOSED] GB #2 - Paramount Play.com Exclusives - Iron Man, etc

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010

Hello all,

Since I will be coordinating this group buy going forward, I thought it best to create a new group buy thread so there is no confusion about these Paramount Play.com releases.

Titles included in this group buy are:

1) Iron Man
2) Iron Man 2
3) Shooter
4) Saving Private Ryan

These items are currently RESERVED for us. Retail is £10.99.


1) No payment due until invoiced.
2) Quantity per member is capped at 2 copies per item
3) You cannot be on the list for this group buy and other group buys in this forum
4) You cannot source for friends and relatives that do not frequent this board, over the cap.
5) All original requesting members have been transferred from masterblaster's original group buy here.


Items are reserved from play.com at retail cost. Each buyer is responsible for any group buy fees, paypal fees as well as the HDN per item fee of $1 per copy. This will be included in your total billed.

Shipping costs may be billed separately depending on your country. USA members may be responsible for paying shipping costs (and any import fees) from sending via United Parcel Service and then domestic shipping from my location.

If you are not on this list, keep a look out on the forums for your chance to buy a single copy of either steelbook.

There is currently a list for a limited number of NINJAS in the NINJA board. You must be a member to have access to this list in the PREMIUM section.

Current group buy reserved list, as follows.

View attachment 16161

Previous (legacy) List
View attachment 16123

View attachment 16030



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Posting this info in a single reply so it is clear:

If you are not on this list, keep a look out on the forums for your chance to buy a single copy of either steelbook.

There is currently a list for a limited number of NINJAS in the NINJA board. You must be a member to have access to this list in the PREMIUM section.

There are still quantity of Saving Private Ryan or Shooter available, if needed.
A few of you have been asking me when invoices will be available.

So you are aware, these copies are secured and are mailing out today or tomorrow from the play.com warehouse.

However, Dave is already buried underneath a MOUNTAIN of steelbooks from the first group buy that he is handling (his own paramount gb).

What I would like to ask (as well as Dave, I'm sure) is to let us get the first one invoiced out and started before we worry about sending you folks invoices for this one.

I understand it's a bit of wait, but circumstances dictate that the best way to make sure that there are no mixups, everyone pays for what they owe, and that it can be done without too much stress on Dave's end.

PM me with questions, but I hope that the above is enough of an explanation.
Can I just add my four-penneth fwiw here.

As I have done with my GB all those in US will be invoiced first so that I can get the wheels rolling on this GB as fast as possible and shipped to apsmith for distribution. I have a relatively limited time window to get these shipped and I will be concentrating on the US so that they are at least Stateside as soon as possible.

When I issue the invoices I will be doing it on a fairly impersonal basis (sorry, but something has to give) and if you look at my GB, specifically post #276, you'll get the idea. All payments will have to be made by Regular Paypal (Goods) no exceptions, please check the fees on ppcalc.com, it's 3.9% + GBP£0.20 as cross-border transaction. Make sure your details on Paypal are correct as the Steels will only be sent to the registered name and address. If they are wrong, the amount will be refunded and there is the chance you will be deleted from the GB, same goes for not covering fees.

There are other GB's on the horizon as well and as I have an ordinary house not a warehouse I want them gone as fast as is possible. Thank you for your forbearance. Oh and just a word on tips I take a surcharge upfront which covers HDN fees, my time & effort. I don't flog the excesses off on ebay for extortionate amounts, and don't care for scalpers so any and all tips are welcomed and encouraged BUT please spare a thought for Andy, apsmith21, he is getting NOTHING out of this so some tips to him, as and when, would I'm sure be greatly appreciated. :scat:

Thanks and I'll be in touch very soon.

btw for any on the above list in UK I would prefer the funds by Bank Transfer and it will save fees from Paypal too, so crank up your Online Banking :)
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hey andy just double checking that i transferred to you from johns and sunny's group buys right? i see that im in for 1x iron man but i dont see 1x for iron man 2. you probably just havnt updated the list...just making sure. thanks andy!
hey andy just double checking that i transferred to you from johns and sunny's group buys right? i see that im in for 1x iron man but i dont see 1x for iron man 2. you probably just havnt updated the list...just making sure. thanks andy!

Good timing tbangs! I just updated the spreadsheet with the latest people that are on the group buy.

Now, you'll note that there are some people in yellow, but those are people that masterblaster would like to handle as they have other items with him, and things of that sort. Their names are on the list still, just in case something were to happen, I know they are on the requesting list.

So that's it, everyone should now be up to date! Play.com shipped our steelbooks today, so the next step as Dave mentioned above will be invoices.

I'll coordinate the best I can with him to make sure everyone is accounted for, etc.

LAST CALL - if there is ANYTHING incorrect based on the number of items requested or showing, that you did via the other thread, now is the time to let me know.

There is no going back now, I expect prompt payments from all of you - if we have to, we may invoke a policy about non-payers losing their copies after a couple of days of no response.
Andy, I don't see my name on the list above, or maybe I'm blind, not sure.
I know I PM'd you a couple days ago, just don't want to get left out .
Andy, I don't see my name on the list above, or maybe I'm blind, not sure.
I know I PM'd you a couple days ago, just don't want to get left out .

Hey Keeblur - actually you are on Dave's list, not on masterblaster's original one.

So, check back on there, and I heard from Dave you'll be getting an invoice shortly for your items.

Sorry for any confusion.


FYI for everyone else in the USA - What's going to happen next, is that there will be a combined list of just USA folks in a new group buy thread - just one spreadsheet from both group buys of all the USA people.

But I'm waiting to do that until Dave has started sending the items to me.
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you guys that do the group buys for us are amazing , i just thought id let you know we are all very greatful to you , just incase u didnt already know. legends
Cool mate cant wait to get my copy ;). Cud u pm me instructions of how to do bank transfer coz never done that before ;)

Patience is a virtue (and the bane of the NHS :hilarious: sorry UK joke - wife's a nurse).

All will be revealed very shortly, but basically entails going into your local branch of my Bank and paying into the account details I give you, if you have Online Banking it's even easier. I can check with my Online Banking and proceed from there. :)
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I see that my name is highlighted. That means John will be sending the order directly to me, that is correct?

Correct. Items will be shipped to John directly. Upon their receipt in Germany, he will send them along to you, so you'll need to contact him further for updates.

You should have a PM that I sent to you a day or so ago that explained the whole thing. If you didn't get it, let me know and I'll send it along.

I have contacted all of the members in Yellow to let them know that i will be servicing them on there orders.

If anyone did not get my message you can contact me .

Thanks alot
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hey folks, we're still waiting on the other group buy to be processed & completed.

I have heard from Dave that these steelbooks for THIS group buy have arrived, but we need to get the other one done first, before we move on to this one.

So please be patient, work continues behind the scenes. :naughty:

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