[CLOSED] GB-(surfury) - Chronicle - Steelbook (play.com Exclusive)

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Premium Supporter
Mar 18, 2011
Back home in Cornwall, UK
play.com have announced an Exclusive Steelbook for Chronicle the release thread can be found here.

Release date is 28th May 2012. Retail price is £14.99 Costs are £2.50 per copy Worldwide Shipping to most destinations (by time of release) £6.76 giving a Grand Total of £24.25. This could be reduced should you want other items sent to you (thinking specifically of Universal 100 Wave 1 Group Buy on the same day for instance, and the Fox Wave a week later). :)

In addition to the HDN Group Buy rules here, there are a couple of things I'd like to clarify. I am only doing this GB for members who cannot get it directly from play, basically you must be outside mainland Europe and UK (there maybe the odd exception). Please post in thread only indicating where in the world you are if don't have it in your profile. I want to keep this thread clean, so please no questions about the release, direct them to the release thread mentioned above, the Mods will probably just delete your post otherwise. :rolleyes:

This GB is now open for multiple copies although limited to 2 copies per member; please post any increase request in a new post; do not edit your original post as they will be ignored. These increases will be on a first come, first serve basis if the title goes OOP and remember I choose whether or not you're included.

I am amending payment methods and unless I advised to the contrary Payment will be by regular PayPal and all fees must be included in the payment. If your iTrader rating is less than 5 and we have not dealt before, it will be necessary for Int'l Signed For to be used. By the way, please do not send payment until requested.

Chronicle New Crop.jpg

Some of you will note that your position in the "order" may have changed, don't worry it hasn't, honest, also there are colours by your name: these are purely administrative.

Think that's it unless folk are quick in their doubling up.
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Now open for multiple copies limited to 2 copies per member; please post any increased request in a new post; do not edit your original post as they will be ignored. These increases will be on a first come, first serve basis if the title goes OOP whilst the GB is running.

Unless you are already on either my Fox Wave GB or Universal 100 GB, then you've left it too late as I am not taking on new members at this late stage, sorry.
once again, could i reduce my order to 0. since you have opened up to a maximum of 2 surely someone will be able to take my steel. is that ok surf?
I would like one if there are any more spots available. I am currently in your Fox GB. Thanks!

Jay what do you want and I'll see if I can slot you in. For instance do you want shdl83's copy then I can release him from this GB ?

---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:57 PM ----------

Hey, surfury. I'm in the FOX wave GB, may I join to this as well? I really want 1 copy of Chronicle.

Yup. (Sorry been stressful day !!)
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Hi Surf! when r you going to start sending the invoices for this one, so i can put some money on the side? :)
Very soon I promise. Away this weekend, back Wednesday. Shortly afterwards I hope.
Is it too late to sign up for this now? Id love to get one!

Same here, I'm down for 1 copy if there's any extras. :)

You're both good to go. Not able to update main spreadsheet will as soon as possible.
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