Community Collection Award Thread Recommendations

mythology ones (immortals, clash of the titans, 300, troy...) - the symbol should be medusa's head since she seems to get it in every movie
mythology ones (immortals, clash of the titans, 300, troy...) - the symbol should be medusa's head since she seems to get it in every movie

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I vote for a Living Dead award -either Romero exclusive or in general (Romeros, The Walking Dead, Return of the Living Dead, etc.).

I seeing the Dawn of the Dead zombie head featured on the movie poster as the award icon for this one. I'll see if I can track down a png of this and post it shortly.


Disregard. I see that there is a zombie award which will appear to fit the bill nicely.
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There should be an award for Real Steel with atom as the icon

Plus china blufans exclusive with coin is a hard to find item now!

I'm sure collectors have plenty of figures and other cool stuff too!
I vote that the old ones just get taken out of the dojo for a bit, i was literally one or two away from some of them when they were put in.
yaeh ,

Prometheus Award would be Cool ??


AVATAR (the Movie) would allso be cool ? I see a lot of Avatar Collecting going on ??

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