Custom SteelBooks Designs - Post Your Own Concept Art!

Saw a trailer for The Raid Redemption and thought this must get a steelbook ... more to follow


i wish there was a fountain steelbook like this
i d also wish there was at last a kingdom of heaven steelbook, but i do not have much hope for this one...:(

---------- Post added at 04:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ----------

From a French forum (that's why the french writing), french forumer Scaz & Anthony!
ALL credit to them, I just passed the arts since I consider them AMAZING!!!

Star Wars:
Episode I:


Episode II:


Episode III:


Episode IV:


The Avengers:







The Dark Knight rises:


Promo :lol:


Mission Impossible 4:


Sherlock Holmes:


Battleship: (coming soon movie)


already said it on the forum(the french one) but nice covers in general
especially the avengers and sherlcok for me

---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ----------

Another custom steelbook, MI Ghost Protocol

so much better than the actual one..! :(

---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 PM ----------

Your Thor and Xmen weren't far off the mark! Great shout!

i like game of thrones, green lantern , the last thor one and captain america

---------- Post added at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

Braveheart Steelbook Concept:


(I wanted to try and make the background resemble the face paint that was used in the movie, I hope you guys like it!)
looks one you inspired the fox,lol
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Hey Kaw, did you already have that Braveheart concept on the forum before the new Braveheart was announced? If so then as gaeljet said, it looks as though they did use your design. Very nice work on that and all your concept art for that matter.
Amazing artwork...I would make that front wood pic as embossed...and then you have a possible steelbook of the year :) And/or make those windows shiny bling effect...

Exactly what i was thinking!

Hey Kaw, did you already have that Braveheart concept on the forum before the new Braveheart was announced? If so then as gaeljet said, it looks as though they did use your design. Very nice work on that and all your concept art for that matter.

Ya, i posted the concept a few months back. It is somewhat similar if you switch the front and back. But a lot of the time i think it just comes down to the "art" that they have. Its possible they just liked the same art i found.
How are you guys doing these? Are you using some kind of software/template? Would I be able to give it a go? I have some ideas..... :wtf:

not sure on what everyone is using but i use Photoshop CS5 and an existing picture of a steelbook which i use for a template.

You sure can give it a go, grab the free trial of photoshop from the adobe web site, please note that there is alot to learn in photoshop so don't expect to learn everything in a week or so, i have been using photoshop for 5 or 6 years and still learning new tricks.

Alternative is a programme called GIMP which is similar to photoshop but free.

---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ----------

I had posted this in the Steelbook Feedback Thread for Cabin in the Woods a few days ago but thought i should put it in here too.

Anyone planning on seeing it this weekend?


excellent work mate, not a huge fan of these movies but that steelbook would be in my collection :cool:
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21 Jump Street - Steelbook mock-up

Due to me really loving the film "21 Jump Street", I thought it was only right that I come up with a mock up steelbook design for it!

But honestly, if you haven't seen it yet, make sure you watch it!
It actually is hilarious!


Back & front - Possible embossed title on front​

Possible inside artwork​



PS. I know I am not as good as the other designers here but I'll get better lol! =]
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Sweeeeeet looking 21 Jumps street artwork back and front, where can I get it from?????? hehe, very nice ozkanovic :)
Cheers dude!

Sorry but I used your steelbook designs as a template :emb:
I need to find hi-res steelbook templates really!

But yes, your designs are much better! You're awesome!

I look forward to seeing more of your stuff...

No worries bro, the first template i think i stole it too, from somebody else, the other 2 i just made them myself from a picture of the Mission Impossible Steelbook.

I dont think there are any Hi-Res templates out there, at least not G2. I've searched a lot for them i couldn't find one, thats why i made my own and ill stick with it since they are an appropriate size for the forums. But hey, if u find one, share it with us ;)
No worries bro, the first template i think i stole it too, from somebody else, the other 2 i just made them myself from a picture of the Mission Impossible Steelbook.

I dont think there are any Hi-Res templates out there, at least not G2. I've searched a lot for them i couldn't find one, thats why i made my own and ill stick with it since they are an appropriate size for the forums. But hey, if u find one, share it with us ;)

Lol that's what designers do anyway, steal from others and make it their own =]
I may have a hi-res at home I'll have to check, but of course I'll let you know if I do find it...
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