E3 09 - Sony's Conference A+

Jan 29, 2009
This year's Electronic Entertainment Expo is taking a giant step towards returning to the glitzy, people-packed shows of three years ago, with attendance expected to be about ten times last year's show and the exhibit halls nearly the same size as the shows that once included ear-splitting rock bands, fire juggling and bikini-clad models.

E3 2009 will also see the return of a more relaxed registration policy for show-goers and rules that once more allow models on the expo floor.

The return to the size and glamor of earlier E3s comes after two years of downsizing and falling attendance at the show that once drew 70,000 people to Los Angeles to revel in all things video game.

In 2006, the Entertainment Software Association announced they would be downsizing the show and moving it to Santa Monica. In 2007, the show returned to the Los Angeles Convention Center, but remained a shadow of its former self. Several developers decided to not attend last year's show, including Activision, Atlus, Bethesda Softworks, NCsoft, Vivendi Games and Warner Bros. Interactive.

This year's list of attendees shows that all but NCsoft are returning to the show.

“The 2009 E3 Expo will be the preeminent North American computer and video game event,” said Michael D. Gallagher, CEO of the ESA. “With robust exhibitor sales, high attendee interest, and strong commitments from multiple industry sectors, we are going to ensure the full excitement and energy of this industry is on display.”

Currently about 70 exhibitors are listed as attending the show, which is more than double the number at last year's. And event organizers say that the floor is filling up quickly.

"We encourage interested companies to contact us because floor sales are going quickly with more than half sold out," a spokesman told me.

Another major change to the show is the new registration policy which has been relaxed to allow more attendees to make it into the show. The last two shows were by invitation only. But this year's show return's to the 2006 policy of allowing people to register to get in.


The show is open to all "credentialed" international and U.S.-based media, industry analysts, retailers, developers and business partners.

Industry professionals need to submit two pieces of identification showing they work in the industry and press credentials are acquired by registering on the site. Both media credentialing and attenddee registration is now official open over on the e3 site.

While the show floor maps aren't yet available on the official site, I've heard that this year's show will essentially be the same size as 2006's convention hall-filling show but without Kentia Hall.

Source: kotaku.com/5144216/activision-and-booth-babes-returns-to-an-e3-ten-times-bigger-than-last-years
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what fanboy? I said it looked good...

i'm not bashing MS at all. I just want to see new stuff... Natal and Wake was the only real new stuff for me.. Splinter Cell too, but I haven't touched it since the first one... i'm about to start watching it now, even though the last 30mins was the best.

I'm excited at what Sony will do to up end this one... Theirs is 2 hours long not 1.5 like MS...

+1 I won't have time to finish it though I will be in the show floor at noon I'll most likely catch up on it inside.
Forza 3 did not impress me at all. The MS was pretty good though. Just watched the EA show and I must say I was more impressed with the new Need For Speed then I was with Forza 3. Ubisoft comes on in about 20 mins. Please a new Rainbow Six game!!!!!
Oh man, I ain't gonna lie.....that xbox natal thing is sweet! I had my kid come over and watch it with me on the computer. If they can implement that right then that thing will own. Alan Wake looks to be a good game. The MGS on xbox is big for them. I don't know anything about Forza except it got shipped in with the xbox' around the time I was deciding on either an xbox or ps3. Looks like xbox might not be dead after all. Anyone know when that natal thing is supposed to come out?

Sony better clean up tomorrow. They also better announce a "frikkin'" price cut already. Here's to Sony owning the show tomorrow.:cheers::cheers:
Nah it's probably in it's final stages. I hope they don't rush it and we get a slow responsive device. Alan Wake has been in Dev for like 5 or 6 year better be damn good lol
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From what i've read, ill watch it later as I was at work. I feel as MS's conference was so so.. Nothing really big announced besides Natal, which I don't see how it can work smoothly..

Yay they stole another PS3 exclusive, i don't care... Forza 3, eh, knew about it, GT5 will trump it... Another Halo, imagine that...

Alan Wake looks good, but that was about it.. nothing new, nothing exciting except natal...

pretty meh to me, hopefully Sony has some megabombs like MGS 5 exclusive with MGS: R coming by next year or something...

i said pretty much this exact thing 3 weeks ago or so (cause MS's lineup was basically predicted even back then) and got bashed for it. :p
Bioware’s Mass Effect 2 was strangely absent from Microsoft’s E3 Keynote presentation today. Given the titles importance in the Xbox 360’s exclusive lineup, could this be a sign that the once 360/PC exclusive may also be heading to the Playstation 3? There have been whispers around the hallowed halls of the convention centre that this may infact come to pass. oxcgn mass effect 2

Mass Effect tells a very deep galactic science fiction story, starring Spectre; Commander Shepard as he/she tries to stop the massive threat of extinction to all life in the universe against an army of Geth.

The original game was a fantastic action RPG providing deep gameplay mechanics while keeping it very enjoyable and accessible. Since the first told a highly addictive and complex story that kept you on the edge of year seat until the credits rolled down the screen, we expect that the second will bring more of the same or better!

Tell us what you think. Will Sony snag this epic RPG as well, or is it all just a bunch of wild speculation from PS3 owners, desperate to play Bioware’s masterpiece?
In this newest particle the visitor reached leuke astuteness. , as it happens, trophies for the PSP. It seems there suspected much on that Sony today during their press conference (that live is follow on PS3Hype.nl), the trophie will announce support for their hand hero. Click on reads more for the screenshot!
Our YouTube page has leg removed from youtube. Luckily we property a screenshot complete from the trophie.

In this newest particle the visitor reached leuke astuteness. , as it happens, trophies for the PSP. It seems there suspected much on that Sony today during their press conference (that live is follow on PS3Hype.nl), the trophie will announce support for their hand hero. Click on reads more for the screenshot!
Our YouTube page has leg removed from youtube. Luckily we property a screenshot complete from the trophie.


looks like an in game trophy to me. not psp trophy