Completed Game Of Thrones (Season 8) [HBO]


Steelbook Viking
Premium Supporter
Jan 3, 2011

Seen the first 5 episodes now and must admit it is growing on me. The characters and character development is really great. Not that much action so far but I have a feeling that will change.

Anyone have some views on this series? :scat:



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Yeah I’d have to agree. Or Arya with the white horse

The memes have been unreal. And people’s comments on twitter have had me in stitches
I haven't actually seen too many memes this time around... and the ones I have spotted have been a bit crap to be honest.
That was a great shot with the dragon wings behind Daenerys. I was disappointed overall with the last episode. It felt rushed and an anti climax pretty much like the rest of the season. Some great action scenes but the writing was bad, characters acted differently to before just to tie up loose ends. I still think Daenerys turning bad didn’t work. It was just convenient to tie her storyline up. I didn’t like the choice of king either. I thought Arya might have more to do at the end, all that training was purely for killing the white walkers then, I thought she might have had more to do.
I definatly think season 8 was the weakest one.
That was a great shot with the dragon wings behind Daenerys. I was disappointed overall with the last episode. It felt rushed and an anti climax pretty much like the rest of the season. Some great action scenes but the writing was bad, characters acted differently to before just to tie up loose ends. I still think Daenerys turning bad didn’t work. It was just convenient to tie her storyline up. I didn’t like the choice of king either. I thought Arya might have more to do at the end, all that training was purely for killing the white walkers then, I thought she might have had more to do.
I definatly think season 8 was the weakest one.

People keep saying it was rushed but I the opposite would have had people moaning that it was too drawn out.

Take the Battle of Winterfell for example, people say that was rushed and anticlimactic but how else could that it have gone down? It could have only gone one of two ways, either the Knight King wipes everyone out or he himself and his army are wiped out. Don't forget the Knight King got his 'mini win' over the heroes in Season 7 when he took out the dragon so I think people are guilty of viewing/rating Season 8 in isolation rather that how it fits the entire story all the way through seasons 1-8 (I guarantee if you watch all 8 seasons back to back no one will be complaining about those final 6 odd hours being rushed then)

I was thinking about the ending last night and was actually struggling to find anything prior to GOT that had an ending as good as the rest, take my favourite films of all time Batman Begins and The Dark Knight - the final piece of that trilogy is The Dark Knight Rises and that's awful. The Alien films, they all went down hill after Aliens. The Terminator films, they all went down hill after T2. The ending of The Lord of the Rings trilogy I find a very similar long goodbye like the end of GOT was last night. If you take TV shows then look at how crap the likes of Lost was at the end. The Big Bang Theory while a completely different type of show to GOT has barely raised a smile with me this last season. When something has been so good for so long it seems history tells us it's very hard to end said thing at the same level that everything before it had maintained

Even if the ending wasn't necessarily what I would have wanted I look back on Season 8 and other than episode 1 it had me on the edge of my seat every single episode so for me that means it was damn good TV
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People keep saying it was rushed but I the opposite would have had people moaning that it was too drawn out.

Take the Battle of Winterfell for example, people say that was rushed and anticlimactic but how else could that it have gone down? It could have only gone one of two ways, either the Knight King wipes everyone out or he himself and his army are wiped out. Don't forget the Knight King got his 'mini win' over the heroes in Season 7 when he took out the dragon so I think people are guilty of viewing/rating Season 8 in isolation rather that how it fits the entire story all the way through seasons 1-8 (I guarantee if you watch all 8 seasons back to back no one will be complaining about those final 6 odd hours being rushed then)

I was thinking about the ending last night and was actually struggling to find anything prior to GOT that had an ending as good as the rest, take my favourite films of all time Batman Begins and The Dark Knight - the final piece of that trilogy is The Dark Knight Rises and that's awful. The Alien films, they all went down hill after Aliens. The Terminator films, they all went down hill after T2. The ending of The Lord of the Rings trilogy I find a very similar long goodbye like the end of GOT was last night. If you take TV shows then look at how crap the likes of Lost was at the end. The Big Bang Theory while a completely different type of show to GOT has barely raised a smile with me this last season. When something has been so good for so long it seems history tells us it's very hard to end said thing at the same level that everything before it had maintained

Even if the ending wasn't necessarily what I would have wanted I look back on Season 8 and other than episode 1 it had me on the edge of my seat every single episode so for me that means it was damn good TV
I don’t think many people would had been loaning if this series was longer. Most people I have heard seem to wanting a longer season. Game Of Thrones always seemed to take the time in the earlier seasons but so many things happened in this season that it all became a blur. Even though the episodes were 1 hour 30 minutes it felt like they could have spread it out better over 3 or 4 episodes.
I agree endings are generally not what people want and are inevitably a let down but it really felt like this went out with a whimper rather then a bang. It was a great series, but the ending let’s it down IMO. As Flloydo said Breaking Bad was one of the shows that did have a great ending so it is possible!

I agree on Big Bang BTW, barely a laugh anymore. Not a patch on what it was in the early seasons.
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Problem I have with Breaking Bad is that I didn't get past season 1 let alone the ending :p
For the longest time I was the same... watched a few episodes and felt pretty meh about it. It wasn't until around the time when season 5 was on its way that I decided to give it another go, and was hooked from there on out! It definitely gets better as it progresses, although I don't even think season 1 is as bad as I originally thought whenever I rewatch it now... I guess knowing where it all leads to probably helps though.
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When something has been so good for so long it seems history tells us it's very hard to end said thing at the same level that everything before it had maintained
I think it's pretty easy to end.
Jon kills Dany. Drogon flies to the Great Hall to see Dany's body, get's mad, melts the Iron Throne.
Grey Worm goes running in and sees what happened. Tried to kill Jon but Drogon protected Jon and burns Grey Worm.
End shot: Everyone's looking up to see Jon on Drogon's back flapping it's wings. Then Black.
They should ended it with fans craving for more. Then we'll be all hype for spin offs.
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For all the people who are mad at David and Dan. It's NOT their fault.

They were hired to make an ADAPTATION of the Game of thrones books. G.R.R. Martin had almost a DECADE to finish is books. A DECADE! Think about that. Thats insane! He couldn't do it. They even extended the series to give him more time and he still couldn't do it. David and Dan were given the impossible task of trying to finish this.

Was the story rushed? Yes. It should have been ten episode season 7&8 at least... I would have even added at ten episode season 9 as well. :p
But If they had the proper source material to do it right instead of just a rough outline of what happens it would have been much better.

Sure, I was disappointed with the ending but look at this show compared to everything else out there. It is the most epic series ever to have been on TV.
We have gotten so spoiled. How dare we complain about it!? This was an amazing show and it should be remembered as such.