[Give-Away]Henge86's steelbook giveaway le grande bleu and ninja scroll


Premium Supporter
May 27, 2012
Edinburgh uk
I have recently decided to stop collecting steels as im now saving all my finances towards my wedding in 2016. The closing date for entries will be the 28th feb 2014

The prizes are as follows

1. Le grande bleu korean steelbook 1/4 slip edition mint and sealed

2. Ninja scroll uk steelbook open but mint

Just answer the following questions for entry

1. What is your most desired steelbook as le grande bleu has been mine for years

2. What is the most dissapointing film you have rewatched recently that you used to love

Thanks in advance to any entries
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Thanks for the giveaway!

1 - Batman Begins & Dark Knight (White, JP or KR)
2 - Weird Science. I Used to LOVE that film, but having rewatched it, it now seems so tame.
1) Harry Potter FS Collection was my personal grail.
2) Van Helsing. Used to love it and now I see it as just cheese haha

Thanks for the awesome giveaways. :scat:
1. Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows 7.1 FS Edition
2. Finding Nemo. Just not as good.
(1) Most desired SteelBook would be LE GRAND BLEU!

(2) Most disappointing film that I used to love would be Jackie Chan's SUPERCOP
1. Iron man FS

2. Terminator 1, remember liking it much more the first time round.

Thanks for the giveaway and wish you all the best :)
1. Iron Man play.com

2. Only God Forgives. I watch it one time, loved it. I gave it like a 9, then I rewatch it and I could not understand what the hell I saw in it first time around. Now it's like a 4.
Thanks for the Give-away!!!

1: most desired Steelbook is still (and think it will forever be) Iron Man Futureshop
2: just rewatched Robocop on Wednesday... Loved it about 15 years ago but now it was different (but that is not the MOST disappointing at the end... just what i recently rewtched)
Thanks for the giveaway

1. It was drive but I got it recently. It's now Lawrence of Arabia and blufans oz

2. I went to the cinema to see casino royale when it came out and I loved it. Watched it again before skyfall was out and I could barely watch it! Not sure why it just ate away at me.
1. My most desired is Drive UK steelbook
2. The Frighteners. Used to love it back then, now not so much.

Thanks for this:)