Go Ahead... ASK Me Anything! I Dare You! :p

hey franky , if you could only save one from a burning fire , what godzilla steel would u save . ?

also i tried to do a xmas photo for the betty xmas calendar ,after 30mins , this was the best effort i could muster
dam u betty boo!!!! , why did we get the only hypo-active bulldog
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We all have that one movie we had great expectations of but then turned out to be a huge disappointment, so what's yours? :p
@Paperinukke Awesome question my friend! :thumbs: I can think of many, but my top 3 are:

1. Dragon Gall Z Evolution
2. The Last Airbender
3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

(n) :vomit: :facepalm:

What about yours?
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I'm far too busy to read all your questions so i dont know if this has been asked before! Haha [emoji12]
Who in your opinion is the most overrated actor and actress?
@bigwednesday0 LOL! I don't blame you, too much to read! :p

Overrated Actor or Actress? It's a tie between John Cusack and Hugh Grant! :mad: Not only do I dislike their acting... I just can't stand looking at their damn faces! :box: :blackeye: :yuck: LOL! :emb:
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hey franky , if you could only save one from a burning fire , what godzilla steel would u save . ?
@bigwednesday0 LOL! I don't blame you, too much to read! :p

Overrated Actor or Actress? It's a tie between John Cusack and Hugh Grant! :mad: Not only do I dislike their acting... I just can't stand looking at their damn faces! :box: :blackeye: :yuck: LOL! :emb:

yeah hugh grant:angry: , cant stand him , hes in a list of very poor british actors to crack american film iindustry , although , bale, hardy and kingsley are doing us proud
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hey franky , if you could only save one from a burning fire , what godzilla steel would u save . ?

also i tried to do a xmas photo for the betty xmas calendar ,after 30mins , this was the best effort i could muster
View attachment 117599
dam u betty boo!!!! , why did we get the only hypo-active bulldog
@whysoserious? AWWW! :angel: Betty is fu**ing adorable! :woot: :drool: I love that expression she's giving you! LOL! :hilarious:

But why, why would ask me such a horrible question! :arghh: :banghead: (n) Just kidding! :p

I would definitely save my Ultimate Edition! :drool: :notworthy: :cool:
Ultimate Edition!.JPG
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@Paperinukke Awesome question my friend! :thumbs: I can think of many, but my top 3 are:

1. Dragon Gall Z Evolution
2. The Last Airbender
3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

(n) :vomit: :facepalm:

What about yours?

Ugh, those first two are really horrifying, geez... Though I knew when I started watching The Last Airbender that it's going to be utterly shameful, but that didn't help. :D And I actually like KotCS, I hated it first because hey, aliens in an Indy film? But it's still a quite good adventure movie from Spielberg, even when I must say that I still hate the ending...

Alright, none of mine choices could be described as "awful", just big disappointments...

1. The Godfather
2. The Hobbit films
3. Kaze Tachinu (As the number one fan of Miyazaki this really broke me into pieces)
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Franky, multiple choice one here...
If you had to get rid of one thing what would it be
A) Your awesome Godzilla collection
B) Your awesome King Kong collection
C) Your wife???
Choose wisely my bro, she could be reading this :box::box::box:

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LMFAO!!! :rofl: :hilarious:
Franky, multiple choice one here...
If you had to get rid of one thing what would it be
A) Your awesome Godzilla collection
B) Your awesome King Kong collection
C) Your wife???
Choose wisely my bro, she could be reading this :box::box::box:

@DADDYCOOL187 That's an easy one my friend! :cool:

The wife of course! :naughty: :D There's no way I'll ever get rid of my Collections! :stop:

Just dont tell her... PLEASE! :dunno: :ohno: She'll kick my... :box: :pain: :blackeye::blackeye::blackeye: :p

I love that gif by the way! :rofl:
if he says his wife , ill take her :naughty::happy:
@whysoserious? You'll take her? :joy: :emb:

You'll have to fight @psychoscot for her! :naughty: :LOL: Better yet, I'll auction her off! :smuggrin:

We'll start the bid at $100. Now $1,000. WOW, $1,000,000?! :OMG:

SOLD!!! to @Asopp! :woot: You may now send me the funds through Paypal and I'll ship her out to you my friend, but dont worry, I'll poke holes on the box so she can breathe! :rofl:

LMFAO!!! :hilarious:
Seeing as these 'Ask me Anything' threads are coming back on the spotlight, go ahead NINJAS! :woot: Have FUN and ASK away! :thumbs: :)



:naughty: :D
Do you have a lot of cadburys in the US
Hi Flash! :woot: Thanks for the candy question (my favorite topic)! :drool: Funny that you mention Cadburys, last night I bought a few of them :D this poor little bastard is the only survivor... for now at least! :naughty:

But to answer your question, YES. We do have them :) though you NINJAS in the U.K have the BEST delicious ones! :hungry: :squint:

Thanks! :cool:
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How come Hershey's is so popular in the States? I had the misfortune to buy a bag from their store in Times Square. It was the grey bag. Milk chocolate, I think.
It smelt like vomit and didnt taste much better!! Hahaha!
To be honest, I think their other flavours are ok!
What is your fave chocolate bar from the US and UK?
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