HDN Event HDN Horror Celebration'11 for Halloween at Hidefninja! (Closed, see you next year!)

Do you watch more horror flicks around Halloween?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • No-I watch Horror films all year!

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Just depends on my mood

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • No, not a horror fan at all

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Yes!

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • No-I watch Horror films all year!

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Just depends on my mood

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • No, not a horror fan at all

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Yes!

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • No-I watch Horror films all year!

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Just depends on my mood

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • No, not a horror fan at all

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009

Hey guys!

I am starting a new thread for this year-feel free to chime in with any horror/thriller/suspense flicks you are watching for Halloween (all of October). Can be any format, and from any time period.

Share your thoughts and let us know what's you're checking out!

And...feel free to share your personal top 10 list of favorite horror flicks of all time!

Have fun,
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Hey guys-just want to chime in and say that we're not big on 'censoring' folks here-so feel free to express your opinions, as long as we can figure out a way to balance 'difference of opinion' with with avoiding personal attacks (not cool).

Movies, like all art, elicits very strong emotion, and is subject to a variety of 'interpretations' and 'perspectives'.

You are free to disagree-it's natural, as with all debate. If it gets out of hand, I will chime in, as our forum likes to avoid some of the 'combative' environments found in some other forums.

But please do not feel like you can't disagree with each other. I would hope that if you were sitting across from each other you'd share your thoughts-whether in agreement or in opposition, too.

Enjoy the thread, folks!
OK this is drifting the thread OT for which I apologise in advance but as I have said before, whilst I can watch them I am no fan of slasher and similar flicks.

However is it right to compare the original Halloween with say Halloween H20: 20 Years Later and then Rob Zombie's Halloween ?
Surfury- i say those are 3 totally different characters, mood and I take them differently, even though H20 is suppose to close the trilogy. I take part 1,2,and H20 (part 7) continuous story. Part 4,5 and maybe 6 as a separate story. And let's say part 8 never happened, same with Zombie's movies, something about those movies seems too trashy.

---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 PM ----------

All different directors, comparing their work Is a big NO on my book, zombie is nowhere near Carpenter's style and mood setting.
Adding some more fun here-post a trailer to some of the more 'off the wall' horror flicks you've seen...or, just some of your favorites. If you post a direct Youtube link it will convert automatically to a little video window. Have fun!

Thanks, DB :)

I like how mellow this MB is, no one ever seems to argue here... that's why I felt bad for arguing something as subjective as general film tastes/reviews. I wanted to 'walk away' from it, but it was like the perfect storm of anti-JP. ;)

But I will say, Ocielz, if that passes for harsh negativity in your world, then you are one lucky person. I basically directed the negativity at myself.

Ricker --- Didn't mean to single you out, didn't realize several of the things I commented on where from you. No hard feelings?

Anyway --- there's not much for me to say, other then I hate everything that Human Centipede stands for. There's just not a single redeeming quality about it. I don't call for ANYTHING, no matter how much I hate it, to be banned/censored... It's just that when I see someone talk about it like it's a good film, I shed a singular tear like the Native American in that old 70's commercial about littering.

And CGI bothers me... especially comparing it to what many feel to be THE pinnacle of practical horror FX in The Thing.

CGI in general is lacking, probably 90% of the time... it looks like a cartoon. CGI in a low budget horror film, which almost always have short post-production schedules? Oh man.... it ain't gonna be pretty. I'm sure you'll see what I mean when the The Thing prequel comes out this week, if you haven't noticed it wildly out of place in a ton of other horror flics in the last 10 yrs.

Surf... I worked in the cutting room for Rob Zombie's Halloween, it was basically me, Rob and 2 other guys for 6 months working on it, once they were done shooting.... so I might be disqualified for speaking on this, but....

I feel RZ's Halloween was a big missed opportunity to take advantage of what JC set up so well in the original. The great thing about Myers was, that he was from a seemingly happy, upper-middle class family, with no reason to snap. The remake bastardized that by putting him in a crummy, white-trashy home with a stereo-typical abusive step dad.

I personally would have preferred Myers in the normal happy family, and instead of his first kill being the school bully who had been picking on him/stalking him... Myers' would kill his best friend out of nowhere. That would have been creepier to me... just not knowing why/how/when this kid was going to snap.

H20 I found to be very boring (took my then-girlfriend-now-wife to see it theatrically back in the day)... It had that 'Scream' era vibe to it... but without the interesting characters that the original Scream had.

The original Halloween I find to be a little over-rated. Slow and monotonous... I love 80's slashers, but of the "Big 3" (Jason, Freddy, Mike)... I find the Halloween series in general to be the least interesting.... Still, love to watch them from time to time though.

---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 PM ----------

When I saw this trailer as a kid, I was so psyched.... there are two shots in the middle where it shows the body-hopper thing and then immediately cuts to Jason wielding a weapon. I thought it was Jason IN Hell, killing a demon of some sort. Man, was I wrong.

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JP no offense taken. If you work in films, then you are luckier than hell. And now that I know where you are coming from I can definately respect your opinion. I guess I should be careful when stating great film. to me if I like a film it's great. But to others a waste of time, my whole family thinks I am demented for liking horror movies. But I genuinely love to literally jump out of my chair.

There are classics that no matter how old they still make me jump. Like Polterguist, when the clown comes from behind the little boy and wraps his arms around him. I can rewind and rewind, but I still jump every time. It is what film making is all about.

As far as CGI goes, the effects in a first run film are much better, but the story lacks. I hated the new Nightmare on Elm St. The original is so much scarrier.

Sorry just saw your post. Boxing Helena. Not a great movie, but to me it was entertaing as hell
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What ever floats your boat Boston, I just said that cause I think your the first one to say something negative about others opinions. I didn't mean to sound that rude either ;)
No prob-JP, and everyone!

Yes,my nephews loved "Jason Goes to Hell".Not my thing,but I did see the first few Friday the 13th flicks when I was younger. My best friend and I used to do these crazy horror movie marathons, LOL.
Watching The Others for the first time:)

---------- Post added at 11:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ----------

Finished The Others and it wasn't that good, had about 2 good scares and a Wack ending. Reeeeaaally slow movie, first and only time watching it:)
Check out "Severance" an another awesome english film, "Nun" an awesome ghost story and last but not least "Frailty" awesome cast. And just for DB another B&W classic "The Bad Seed"
No prob-JP, and everyone!

Yes,my nephews loved "Jason Goes to Hell".Not my thing,but I did see the first few Friday the 13th flicks when I was younger. My best friend and I used to do these crazy horror movie marathons, LOL.

My best friend and I would do the same thing. My love of film started from sneaking Friday the 13th movie viewings on USA Up All Night and my buddy was even able to sneak VHS rentals once in awhile, cause his mom wasn't very on-the-ball (or looked the other way to keep us happy). ;)

So, I love the F13 movies even though they aren't particularly well made (especially after part 4... the rest are either purposely goofy or unintentionally so).... just due to nostalgia. Though, I think I've given up all hope in regards to 'them' making a good, solid, well told story in that franchise... even though Jason, as a character/image/icon, really deserves better. One thing me and Rob Zombie* agreed on about 80's slashers is that Jason was an incredible idea and image... but none of the movies/writers/directors ever took advantage of that great idea. Too bad, cause creating the iconic character is the tough part... crafting a few well-thought stories to surround him in should be the easy part.

Anyway... I'm drunk-posting right now. ;)

Got a nice bourbon-based buzz on and watched In the Mouth of Madness. Really cool movie. Not perfect, but really good... kinda like Lovecraft with a pinch of The Thing for spice. Sam Neil was really good in it.

Gonna have another old fashioned and find one more horror flic to watch tonight. :D

* I mention Rob again because he generally hates 80's slashers (ironically enough for a guy who directed two Halloween reboot movies). He likes gritty/weird 70's stuff like Scarecrow (starring Al Pacino and Gene Hackman)... though we bonded over loving The Shining, The Thing, and Clockwork Orange. Even moreso, we were the only ones in the 'group' who admitted to really enjoying Rocky Balboa. :)

(oh man, I'm drunk-rambling... but I'm still gonna post anyway so people can laugh at me). :)
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Not laughing at you JP. Clockwork Orange is one of my favs. I have a whole new respect for you, now that you actually hung out with Rob Zombie. I'm sure his are not your favs, but I like the dirty, gritty feel he gives to his movies. Hell he even brought Terry from Three's Company to the big screen, not to mention the best ever actress in the world Karen Black. Have a good night man
this mornings viewing is a german serial killer flick,antibodies.
a friend was ranting and raving about it,supposed to be very good.
Saw "Rubber" yesterday. Oh boy, this movie was one of the worst i've ever seen. This consistent caprice stuff was so annoying. Watched the last half in fast forward :(
I loved "The Others"-dark, atmospheric, gorgeous shots, and a 'subtle' horror and sadness. Nicole Kidman is stellar in this, and I love the twist! Just picked it up on BD a few days ago for $ 6 or so-woot! Hope to re-watch soon....
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