Apr 2, 2012
Release date: October 4, 2013
Purchase links: Amazon DE - Cede.de
Price: €7.99 (Amazon) - €17.99 (Cede)
Notes: Matte finish, printed info on back, inside artwork, fixed blu-ray banner on top of front and back covers
Group buys: g0bl1nk1ng & Masterblaster


Actual pics: (Thanks to Engelskind)
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wish we knew what the art work was and if any other company's will be releasing Steelbooks of iron man 3
1. Does amazon.de charge at time of shipping or when you pre order?

2. Any idea if this will be as rare as the other Marvel releases?
1. Does amazon.de charge at time of shipping or when you pre order?

2. Any idea if this will be as rare as the other Marvel releases?

1. They charge when they ship

2. This will get TONNES of steelbook releases worldwide, so no this German one won't be as rare as the others IMO. I'd expect all of the other countries to start announcing more steelbooks over the next couple of months
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But this german IM3 Steelbook MIGHT get exclusive artwork (as IM and IM2 Steelbooks from Germany!) as Concorde is distributing it/them in Germany...

But i also think (and hope!!!) there will be more IM3 Steelbooks announced from different Countries soon!
Im hoping it will be rare. I got 2 so I can trade one for a copy of Iron Man haha. I doubt itll be worth that much so Ill probably end up selling it to a Ninja at normal price.
Saw this last night and loved it. There are some things in it that die hard Iron Man comic fans are going to freak out over but I was fine with how they did it. Definitely grabbing a steelbook of this when it comes out. I'm sure many countries will get a verison of this and hopefully it'll match my play.com Iron Man 1 & 2 steelbooks.
Saw this last night and loved it. There are some things in it that die hard Iron Man comic fans are going to freak out over but I was fine with how they did it. Definitely grabbing a steelbook of this when it comes out. I'm sure many countries will get a verison of this and hopefully it'll match my play.com Iron Man 1 & 2 steelbooks.

i also watched it last night, but i've got to say it's the weakest of the trilogy by far
i felt very disappointed after watching it, i guess it had alot to live up to after the first 2 movies but even as a stand alone movie its terrible, i felt bored through alot of it, only real action came in the last 25mins and even that wasn't great IMHO, STILL GOING TO BUY THE STEELBOOK THOUGH:hilarious:
They used the same artwork they used for the regular Amaray release for their previous Iron Man Steelbooks (IM, IM2 and IM & IM2)!
So when we know about regular Artwork for german release we "might" now what the Steelbook would look like...

Also do not have HIGH hopes for great Artwork, at least it should be different to UK and probably rest of the world...