Apr 2, 2012
Release date: October 4, 2013
Purchase links: Amazon DE - Cede.de
Price: €7.99 (Amazon) - €17.99 (Cede)
Notes: Matte finish, printed info on back, inside artwork, fixed blu-ray banner on top of front and back covers
Group buys: g0bl1nk1ng & Masterblaster


Actual pics: (Thanks to Engelskind)
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Sorry had to ask this but why is there a GB for this? Couldn't you order it thru there site or is it a limited release not shipped to the US?
I hope there is a stateside release like target with IM2. I dont know why they wouldnt with the demand put into Marvel steels. Collecting these would go hand in hand with the demographic its trying to get .
What's the bets that everone buys 10 copies in hopes of making silly money and then there'll be so many printed they'll be wirthless lol.