Last Ironpack/MetalPak/Tin Purchased?

ohhhhh it's here thanks to the ninjas from "batman arkham origins" thread who helped me to find back my personnal pics ...

thanks for the move out ^^ enjoy the pics

am surprised too

just enjoyed 1 st hour of the game gonna be awesome !!! :p

I'm assuming this is the Bestbuy preorder incentive? Or is the metalpak from the UK collectors edition?

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this is french version, picked up service to my FNAC store where I preordered it from, metal pak seems to be the same everywhere in Europe
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Korea - Man of Steel



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My first MetalPak. Totally chuffed with it as I've been after it for a while. It's supposed to be for my daughter for Christmas but she may have to settle for the Ultimate collectors edition instead :D
I've had a nightmare trying to find out info about this prior to getting it. There doesn't seem to be many photo's of it. Is it quite rare?
Big thanks to Cyan for this :LOL:

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A quick question about Metalpaks.

I only own four of them: Iron Man 2, The Hunt for Red October, War of the Worlds, and Transformers (All from the US). And they are all covered in scratches, paint chips, dings and dents. Further more, there's dirt under the plastic inside, the spines are all misaligned, and the artwork is blotchy in places.

Is this the norm for metalpaks, or was this just a bad batch? Lately, there seems to be more metalpaks being released than steelbooks. But if this is what I can expect, I think I'll pass on them.

Also, what is the difference between a metalpak and a futurepak?

Thanks in advance.