Last movie seen at theater?

Jan 30, 2009
England |

What was the last movie you saw in theater or the next one you plan on seeing?

Enjoys Guys & Girls :)


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Narnia 3: pretty boring story, but the 3D and CGI effects were pretty good! The GCI lion and other creatures looked very real, but maybe that's becuz the 3D helps to create a lot of depth.. The story didn't have any though, only for the real fans I reckon.
Black Swan a few weeks ago-loved it-her decent into madness and the visual metaphors were beautiful. Nice and dark, yum!
Loved True Grit when we saw it last week - not as gory as some of the other Cohen films, but had some nice splatter effects here and there.

The writing was stellar as usual....and there were a couple lawyer jokes that my wife got (but I missed). :cool:
King-I hate when that happens-it's time more is done to counteract that incredible rudeness. Maybe some kind of forcefield (clearly I am kidding), that disables all electronics as soon as you walk into the actual theater. I know it sounds extreme, and is not conducive to being reached in true emergencies, but the side effect of our society's general "on 24-7" mentality is rising to a fever pitch for the cinema experience, imo.
King-I hate when that happens-it's time more is done to counteract that incredible rudeness. Maybe some kind of forcefield (clearly I am kidding), that disables all electronics as soon as you walk into the actual theater. I know it sounds extreme, and is not conducive to being reached in true emergencies, but the side effect of our society's general "on 24-7" mentality is rising to a fever pitch for the cinema experience, imo.

A few of the theaters around me actually have that in place. When you go in you drop all signal. You have to exit the theater before you'll pick it back up.
just got back from seeing that new movie with johnny depp and angelina jolie. i dont even know the name of it, hahaha. t was pretty good tho.

The Tourist. Yes, we ended up seeing that last night and I thought it was pretty good. Felt too much like the Thomas Crown Affair IMO. At least Jolie found some time to eat something in between filming Salt and this (She was way too thin in Salt).

---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------

King-I hate when that happens-it's time more is done to counteract that incredible rudeness. Maybe some kind of forcefield (clearly I am kidding), that disables all electronics as soon as you walk into the actual theater. I know it sounds extreme, and is not conducive to being reached in true emergencies, but the side effect of our society's general "on 24-7" mentality is rising to a fever pitch for the cinema experience, imo.

I concur!!! I wouldn't have a problem with this going into effect.
Just got back from seeing TRON: Legacy... I really liked it. The effects were awesome. As always there are a few things I would have changed. But overall it was really good.
saw true grit last week too,Decent western movie,i hardy ever get in those type's of movies but it was pretty good.

---------- Post added at 05:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 AM ----------

Just got back from seeing TRON: Legacy... I really liked it. The effects were awesome. As always there are a few things I would have changed. But overall it was really good.

after the 3D effect's,the music was my other favorite part,they also filmed parts of it in Vancouver BC with the City shots.
saw Green Hornet
i had my doubts going into this, i saw the original series on tv back, i cant remember how many years ago lol. but one thing i do remember, it wasnt a comedy. so the previews for me made me shake my head. But now i do a complete 180 degrees. it was awesome movie, Seth Rogan pulled it off, loved Kato too. I saw Imax 3D, did not notice any 3D effects except depth perception was more defined.
when this comes out in Blu Ray 3D, its a day 1 for me :)