Last movie seen at theater?

Jan 30, 2009
England |

What was the last movie you saw in theater or the next one you plan on seeing?

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saw Green Hornet
i had my doubts going into this, i saw the original series on tv back, i cant remember how many years ago lol. but one thing i do remember, it wasnt a comedy. so the previews for me made me shake my head. But now i do a complete 180 degrees. it was awesome movie, Seth Rogan pulled it off, loved Kato too. I saw Imax 3D, did not notice any 3D effects except depth perception was more defined.
when this comes out in Blu Ray 3D, its a day 1 for me :)

I hated Seth Rogan in this movie... But loved Kato...


Just got back from watching "I Love You Phillip Morris." It was pretty good. A little different than I thought it would be. I can't believe it was based on a real guy... lol.
I hated Seth Rogan in this movie... But loved Kato...


Just got back from watching "I Love You Phillip Morris." It was pretty good. A little different than I thought it would be. I can't believe it was based on a real guy... lol.

Just saw The Green Hornet. So, normally I really like Seth Rogan, not so much in this movie. Ok NOT AT ALL in this movie. He wasn't right for this part in the least. He should stick to the "down on his luck stoner" parts. I think part of it is the character itself, which really wasn't likable at all and didn't seem to contribute to the "ass kicking" at all aside from the monetary aspect. Maybe another actor could have made the role more likable. I'm sure someone could have done a better job. But have to say Kato was awesome. Made the movie worth seeing. Everyone should see the movie just for him. Liked the soundtrack as well. :oohyeah:
Just saw The Green Hornet. So, normally I really like Seth Rogan, not so much in this movie. Ok NOT AT ALL in this movie. He wasn't right for this part in the least. He should stick to the "down on his luck stoner" parts. I think part of it is the character itself, which really wasn't likable at all and didn't seem to contribute to the "ass kicking" at all aside from the monetary aspect. Maybe another actor could have made the role more likable. I'm sure someone could have done a better job. But have to say Kato was awesome. Made the movie worth seeing. Everyone should see the movie just for him. Liked the soundtrack as well. :oohyeah:

The bad thing is that Seth Rogan wrote the film AND went over the directors head to get the film how it is. The director tried to make it more serious, but Rogan wanted the comedy so he went to the producers and got it edited how he wanted it...

Test audiences didn't like it, so Rogan had them shoot the scene with James Franco to let the audience know early on that it'd be a action comedy.
Just saw "Black Swan." UGH! WTF... What a bad film. I could deal with the ballet portions, I could deal with the drama portions... But the bat **** crazy portions ruined it for me...

I REALLY wanted to like this film, but i'd definitely pass if I were you.
The bad thing is that Seth Rogan wrote the film AND went over the directors head to get the film how it is. The director tried to make it more serious, but Rogan wanted the comedy so he went to the producers and got it edited how he wanted it...

Test audiences didn't like it, so Rogan had them shoot the scene with James Franco to let the audience know early on that it'd be a action comedy.

Well damn :hilarious: all that did was raise my expectations only to have them dashed so quickly. James Franco pulled off a much better comedic performance than Rogan did. I'm thinking they should have traded parts.
Blue Valentine-solid performances by Michelle and Ryan, and a resonant script for anyone that has ever been in a situation like this, or witnessed it, first hand.

Blue Valentine: UGH... Another awful movie. IDK how Michelle was nominated for best actress... Ryan was fine enough, but the movie was miserable and slow.

The Company Men: I really liked this movie. It wasn't SUPER awesome or anything, but it was really good and topical to the economy of our time... It's worth watching.
Ah yes, forgot about that one-a few weeks ago, I saw "The Rite". I had received the book, based on a true story, to review, for free. The book for me, was a much better read and more compelling than the film. When I saw Anthony Hopkins was cast, I had hoped the film would be elevated above the general type of flick usually released. For me, though the film-maker managed to create suspense and anticipation with the score and angles, some of the performances were too "comical" for me to take the fear and horror too seriously. This ruined it for me-3/5.
As part of AMC's "Best Picture Showcase", event we saw 5 movies yesterday:

Toy Story 3-5/5-I had seen it as a rental, but it was fun on the big screen.

127 Hours-4/5-James Franco did a great job and I loved Danny Boyle's shooting style and angles to convey all of the claustrophobia and anxiety of the situation.

The Kids Are All Right 4/5-second viewing-witty, poignant, resonant, and glad to see more stories told that highlight these human issues. Annette Benning and Julianne Moore as well as the rest of the cast were very enjoyable.

True Grit-3/5-Unfortunately, I wanted to enjoy this one, but the movie felt too contrived to me. The costuming and young actresses's performance felt authentic for me, but the sets didn't and the story's pace seemed a little odd. The actual look of the film was interesting-I may give the original a look. It was refreshing to see a "non-mainstream" genre on the big screen.

The Fighter-4/5-Melissa Leo's performance was fantastic, as was Christian Bale's. The characters were very "real" and "every-day", and the film seemed to effectively capture the regular people of the area, and real problems they faced. I tend to love "triumph over adversity" films, so hence the 4/5 for the story itself and the "real, gritty" feel of the flick. However, overall, I'd say it was a 3/5 when compared to other films of the "genre" such as Rocky, etc.

Event continues next Saturday
The Roommate


I wouldn't watch this if it was for free. Worst decision of my life. But everyone voted to watch this garbage. I wish I watched Unknown instead.
Saw Gnomio and Juliet with the fam, wife thought it was ok, kid loved it, and I thought it was pretty cool for a kids movie had some good funny moments.
As part of AMC's Best Picture Showcase ( we watched 5 movies yesterday.

Winter's Bone-3.5/5 for me, for the film itself. Jennifer Lawrence's performance fantastic-muted, but strong and edgy. Highlighted a plight and population not often put on film, so that was refreshing.

Black Swan-5/5. Had seen this previously. Gorgeous, seductive visuals by Aranofsky. Solid performance by Natalie Portman in her descent into madness and obsession.

Inception-5/5. Had seen this previously. Complex, inventive, smart and unique. Turns a page for "Sci-Fi/Action" type flicks.

The Social Network-4/5. Fast paced, and engaging given my business background and interest in media and connectivity/societal implications. Fun and witty. Surprised by Justin Timberlake's performance.

The King's Speech-5/5. Fantastic performances by Rush and Firth, and pleasantly surprised by Helena Bonham Carter's wit and playfulness. Gorgeous costuming and cinematography.
today, friday, i had off from work, was sick with the flu for 2 weeks, that and busy at work for last 2 months, well, i had a "Me" day :D

i saw 3 movies today,

#1 was Battle Los Angeles, this was awesome movie, day 1 when it comes out in Blu

#2 was Red Riding Hood, meh, it was just ok

#3 was I am Number 4, holy crap, this was another awesome movie, i could not believe how well done this was, storyline and characters, another day 1 when it is released on Blu :D